Instant Dog Traning

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Godfather Style Dog Training - How To Make Your Dog An Offer They Can't Refuse

Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

>>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

Dog training is a lot like the movie “The Godfather.” In order to get great results, you need to make your dog an offer they can’t refuse. But, instead of using violence and anger, we want to find ways to positively motivate your dog.

A point that I always stress when I am teaching someone how to train his or her dog is this: Training does not happen without motivation. You need to motivate your dog if you want her to perform.

I also stress the fact that there are two forms of motivation: Positive and Negative. Both forms of motivation can produce results.

For a long time dog trainers would not use food or other forms of positive motivation because they had the silly notion that a dog is supposed to work for its master, PERIOD.

So dog trainers of the past would put a choke chain on the dog and use negative motivation to get the dog to comply with the command. The pain motivated the dog. In order to escape the pain the dog would comply.

A very bad way to train.

Whenever a trainer uses negative motivation he will get side effects. A killer whale trainer once said: If you put a shock collar on a killer whale you will have a very short training session because there is a good chance that the whale will eat you when you get in the pool.

He went on to say that aggression is caused by negative training methods. I completely agree with him. You can’t constantly expose your dog to negative training sessions and not expect it to produce negative side effects.

At this point many dog owners think that if you use food to train, the dog will only work for food.

Using food is only one part of the training process. Once your dog starts to learn a command, you can start to use life rewards.

A life reward is anything that the dog likes or wants. Does your dog like to go for car rides? Before you open the door and let your dog in, give your dog a command – sit, down, stay, etc.

Compliance is what we want from our dogs when we are doing obedience. You get compliance by motivating your dog.

Here is the secret of compliance:

1. Ask
2. Motivate
3. Reward

Through repetition your dog will start to learn the command.

Conclusion – In the movie “The Godfather,” negative motivation was used to get compliance, something we don’t want to do when we are training our dogs. Instead, we want to use positive motivation. By using positive motivation, we don’t have to resort to aggressive training techniques that promote aggression in dogs.

Eric Letendre, author of “The Amazing Dog Training Man,” invites you to visit to get the free ebook “101 Ways To Improve Your Dog’s Behavior”. Discover leading-edge dog training tips, instructional video clips, and articles that will help you train and understand your dog.

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    Dog Grooming And Dog Training Made Simple

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    We may have made our pets dependent of a comfortable life, in which the master takes them out for casual walks and feeds them on command, after having cuddled them behind their giddy ears, but a natural instinct for self-grooming will never be gone, and the proud owner should sustain this instinct. This process is a daily and a weekly one, so dog grooming training is necessary in order to make it easier for the pet and for you too. As funny as a bubble bath may seem to our kids, your furry friend may find it strangely irritating, unless you follow some simple training guidelines to make him go through the ordeal of grooming: from clipping his toenails, brushing his fangs, to smoothing that cute rich fur of his, or sleek glossy hide with a welcomed bath. That is the reason why dog grooming training sessions are required, and the good news is you don’t have to have a PhD or a BD for this; you do need some special tools, rewards to motivate the pet and the persistence of your school teacher when telling you about logarithms. The result will be a satisfying one, though, and your dog will be fit to walk on a cat walk!

    A Dawdling Process

    There are these few main activities that are compulsory when speaking of a dog grooming training session: the brushing of his teeth, the clipping of his nails so as not to scratch that beautiful leather arm chair you just bought or to gather germs that make him prone to diseases and taking care in every possible way of his fur, less or more existent, depending on the breed: the coat of a groomed dog must be glossy, healthy and resistant. In order to do this, you will imminently annoy the dog by touching him in forbidden places: his aggressiveness might be aroused and he may act strangely every time the process recurs. The most important thing is not to hurry up, dawdle here and there, with smooth caresses and sprinkle the dog grooming sessions with several rewards, so that he develop a conditional instinct of pleasure specifically in these times. The first activity is the brushing of his mean “fangs”, to maintain their health and that of the gums too. The muzzle of the dog is another sensitive area so pat him gently and caress the nose and when he pulls up his lip, you will be able to position the toothbrush. Make him feel good during this by enhancing his self-esteem, speaking to him slowly and soothingly and offering him a reward: you shouldn’t be surprised if this training hint will enable you to brush his teeth often and even turn it into a spa for your pet, an enjoyable one.

    If you desire to clip the nails, the identical gentle behavior and treats are required, except that you have to touch his paws and to press them to see clearly the nails: it is not a particular pleasant thing for your furry friend so be patient and persistent: the time you are investing in the dog grooming training will be recovered soon, when he will sit calmly every time you want to perform the task a bit faster. The brushing of the pet’s coat of fur is definitely not that difficult or disagreeable, like brushing his teeth or clipping his toenails, to some extent. However, when delicate areas such as his back end or tail are involved, things have to be taken slow: make him comfortable first, when touching these parts of his body, give him rewards, speak soothingly to him, pat him carefully and in the end he will lighten up and allow you to act there as well: operate with slow strokes of the brush in the back side and at the tail to obtain an ideal grooming where it is genuinely needed.

    As it has been said, rewards and persistence are the main ingredients to performing a proper dog grooming training, achieving both a better relationship between you and the dog, and make it a more enjoyable task with the permission of your pet.

    You can also find more info on Dog Training Equipment and Dog Training School. is a comprehensive resource to know how to train your Dog.

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    Friday, September 28, 2007

    Dog Obedience Training - For Your Family Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    A lot of dog owners think, for some strange reason, that dog obedience training is only for those who would like to compete in obedience trials. This is just like believing that only kids who grow up to be professionals should learn how to behave properly in different circumstances. Nonsense! Kids and dogs should behave properly. It makes them a pleasure to be around.

    Can a puppy understand words? Dogs do not know meaning of words, they do recognize words. They have an amazing sense of hearing, and can sense your TONE of voice. This is what your dog will focus on...your tone of voice. Dogs will remember words. And, your dog will be conditioned to respond to the words they recognize. They will respond by HOW you teach them to respond. Hence, dog obedience training!

    Can a puppy understand words?

    Dogs do not know meaning of words, they do recognize words. They have an amazing sense of hearing, and can sense your TONE of voice. This is what your dog will focus on...your tone of voice. Dogs will remember words. And, your dog will be conditioned to respond to the words they recognize. They will respond by HOW you teach them to respond. Hence, dog obedience training!

    Does your dog really know its name?

    We all think that when we call our dog it knows we are calling him. Not necessarily so! Test your dog with this. Go out walking, let him walk ahead of you, and then, in a normal tone, not shouting, call your dog’s name. Is he responding? You will be surprised how many dogs do NOT respond. There are many dogs that do NOT recognize their own name.

    So, first of all, when training your dog make sure that he knows its name. Don’t assume it. Once you have taught your dog to recognize their name, start teaching your dog to respond to their name. They have to learn to respond every single time. Do this at first with cookies. Call their name, make them look at your, and then give them a cookie. It works great!

    We all have to stop assuming our dogs or our puppies know what we want, or what we are saying. Always test your dog first. Once you are sure the dog knows what you want, start demanding it from them every time you give your command.

    And please remember, this article is for educational purpose only. Always check with a professional dog person to see what is best for your precious pet.

    Ruth is actively involved with the internet and she finds it very exciting. Her passions are people and pet health. She is a wife, a stepmom a dog owner and a business person. She is married for almost 30 years to Chris who has been, and still is, battling the monster MS. Two of her dogs are Certified Therapy Dogs. She is currently working from her home. Dog training is a passion for Ruth. She is convinced that a well behaved dog is welcome almost everywhere, by almost everyone.

    Her About Page

    Her home page:

    Her Pet Blog

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    Dog Training Command - Communicating With Your Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Dog training command is to speed up training results from home. You have to teach your dog to do it the right way and it is the importance of drive and temperament. If you do it the right way then it is like having a whole new dog! But enough of his type of this highlighting. Lets take a look deeper into the training.

    Training is about communicating with your dog. Train your pet to stay will help in numerous situations - often combined with the "sit" command that is shown in this article. Train your dog to obey commands is an important part of pet ownership. You have to take it seriously.You have to be the Boss of your dog like an alpha dog. You have to understand that a dog is an animal. The dog has to follow you not you the dog.

    The dog training command you give your dog must be short, clear and defined, as well as well articulated avoiding words that end the same way which would end up just confusing the dog. And that is not what we want. The dog should understand what you want to tell him.

    Here is an example for a dog training command in this point the command "Sit". While facing the dog with either hand extended and palm faced upward, flip up the fingers with a quick wrist motion.This command tell your dog to be in sitting position. Sit and Stay are used in conjunction with many other commands.

    Teaching these dog training command will help you to take control over the dog, although there must always be a cordial communication between you and your dog so that the "the best friend" does not feel afraid and turn into some type of "robot" that does not show or get affection. I think it is not very reachable to have an robot dog. A natural dog is much better and you have more fun with your dog. But anyway, the dog has to understand your commands.

    Owners often make the mistake of showing their dog that it is acceptable not to come back to them if he is busy sniffing and exploring the environment. That is not acceptable. The dog will think that it is okay to leave home without you. It could be very dangerous for you, your dog and other people around. The dog could bie someone or get into an accident or something.

    Dog training command is essential in taking charge of your dog and becoming the leader of the dog or even you have more than one dog. Enrolling your dog in a training class or train him at home is a vital part for your dog's education. Training at home is very common, so you have to educate yourself too. Some more free Training for your dog tips here. You and your dog have to enjoy the training. Then you will have a lot of fun with him.

    If you want to know more about dog training command then you have to visit this site.There you can get all the stuff you need to handle your dog, just go here

    It is full of techniques and tips.Visit my Blog too and get even more tips

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    Wednesday, September 26, 2007

    Dog Training: Teaching Your Dog to Sit On Command

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Besides the excitement of getting a puppy, one of the most challenging parts of dog ownership is teaching the dog to be obedient and establishing yourself as the dominant one in the dog-owner relationship. One of the basic obedience training points relevant in this regard is teaching your dog to sit on command.

    As with every other dog training procedure, it is important to note that dogs are not humans and thus do not share your language or pattern of communication. It is important to bear this in mind, so that you will appreciate the essence of patience. For any reasonable results with dog training, it is important to be patient and repetitive with the training. Repetitions enable your dog to establish connections between your verbal commands and the action required of it. You should also learn to praise your dog every time he gets it right. Finally, the training sessions should not be boring to either of you. It is a good idea to keep the lessons short to start with and increase the time as you continue.

    There are several training techniques to teach your dog to sit on command. Most dog trainers believe that you can start training your dog to sit at around three months old.

    The first technique is simple and very good for young puppies. When you see your puppy about to sit, say the command 'sit' firmly and when your dog sits, praise him for getting it right. In no time, your puppy learns to associate the verbal command with the act of sitting and you can then get your puppy to sit just by saying it.

    The above technique might not be that effective for older puppies. With older puppies, you can practice this second technique. With your dog in front of you, hold a tasty treat and pass it across the dog's nose and continue over his head a few centimeters high. In the process of trying to follow the motion of your hand, your dog assumes a sitting position. As soon as your dog plants his behind on the ground, say the word 'sit' firmly. If he sits down, reward him for it. Later you will not need the treat to make your dog sit on command.

    Getting your dog to remain sitting shouldn't be as difficult. The idea is that when you command your dog to sit, he should remain sitting until you tell him to leave the sitting position. All you have to do is make your dig sit until you say a 'release' word that signifies that he is free to go. When in the sitting position, call your dog's name and add the 'release' word/statement. Your dog should come to you. With time, the dog understands that the word means he can stop sitting. During the training sessions, if your dog gets up before the release word, show him your disapproval and make him sit again. This way, the dog understands that he is supposed to sit until you say the release word.

    These are just a few of the several techniques that can help with your dog training. Again, remember that you may not get instant results, but repetition, patience and rewarding your dog every time he gets it right, will work in the end.

    Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Dog Training.

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    Tuesday, September 25, 2007

    Dog Training: How to House Break Your Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Dog training is something any dog owner has to go through. Most people now get their dog training through a dog trainer. But there are some aspects of dog training that can't be done with a dog trainer.

    This is because this type of dog training occurs at your home. Not sure what kind of dog training I'm talking about?

    I'll give you a hint... this kind of dog training takes place 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Give up?

    What I'm talking about is potty training or house breaking your dog or puppy. This part of dog training is often the most hated and dreaded of all dog training. This is because house breaking often takes the longest for your dog or puppy to learn.

    For those of you who need help with, house breaking your dog, help has arrived.

    House breaking your dog often starts when you get your dog as a puppy. But there are adult dogs that need this type of dog training as well. Dog training has come a long way in recent years.

    It has recently been decided that crate training is the best way to get your dog house broken. Dogs do not like to sleep where they have gone to the bathroom. So, in theory, if you keep a dog in a crate for small periods of time, they will learn to hold it. This is because they would rather hold it than lay in it.

    Most people think that this form of dog training is cruel to the dog. But in reality, this form of dog training is not cruel in any manner, in fact, many dogs like the idea of sleeping in a crate.

    Dogs naturally like to sleep in a den like environment. Using a crate for your dog training

    helps create this environment. Dogs feel safe and comfortable in their "den." Many people find that their dogs often go to their crate on their own when tired.

    Using a crate does take time for a dog to get used to, so be sure to start out in small intervals when beginning this type of dog training.

    House breaking your dog can be a difficult part of dog training. But crate training has been proven to be the most effective way of house breaking your dog. In fact, most dog training classes and dog training books recommend it for house breaking.

    For more information about this type of dog training, you can go online and type in "Crate Training" into the search engine. You will soon see for yourself how effective a crate will make your dog training easier!

    Amy Howells is owner of the Dog Owner Blog, where she gives free information on all aspects of dog behavior training.For more advice on dog potty training be sure to visit Amy's free blog right now.

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    Sunday, September 23, 2007

    Therapy Dog Training - Working With Your Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Therapy dog training, while important, is something with which many people are not familiar. A therapy dog is one that is used to do animal assisted therapy and activities. Organizations train the dog to help people in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and virtually anywhere people need some sort of therapy. So, then, how do dogs become therapy dogs? It is a fairly simple process.

    A Good Citizen

    Though the requirements for therapy dog training vary from state to state, it is almost universal that the dog must be certified as a canine good citizen. In order to receive that, you have to train your dog to be focused and well behaved around distractions. Generally your local animal shelter or even a therapy dog training center will have classes available for you to learn how to turn your dog into a canine good citizen.

    Classes for Therapy

    Therapy dog training can start as soon as your dog has been certified as a canine good citizen. The training consists mainly of teaching your dog how to ignore things like hospital equipment and school noises that he or she may not be used to being around. They also train the dog to help with simple activities and therapy with those who need it. However, in many cases, the therapy is really just the presence of the dog. Those using the services of dogs trained in how to perform the therapy can be anything from walking them, to reading to them, to simply being around them.

    Where to Go

    If you are interested in therapy dog training for your four legged pal, then you should check out the internet or your local yellow pages. Whether you live in Virginia, California, or anywhere else, there is an organization in your area that will help you not only teach your dog how to become a therapy dog, but also get him out in the community and doing his part. Additionally, you can volunteer to help with everything from training to the therapy itself. Just get in contact with your local organization.

    Therapy dog training can be incredibly rewarding. When you teach your dog how to react to the situations with which he will be presented, you are putting him in a situation to be more than just a pet. You and your dog together can be real additions to the community and help your fellow man.

    Dean Iggo is the webmaster of providing tips and advice on dog obedience training at home, including obedience, potty training and more.

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    Dog Training - Tips On Effective Choosing Of A Dog Trainer

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    There is a lot of trainers out there for dogs these days and this is exciting for dog owners, however it can be overwhelming as well trying to figure out who to choose to train your dog. I have listed some simple things to look for when evaluating dog trainers that can help you out.

    Firstly research and make sure you look for a trainer who is a fulltime licensed professional. Someone who has a license under their belt is less of a financial risk. They have got training themselves on how to effectively train dogs and can help you and your dog out.

    Find out what dog breeds the trainers specialize in if any because some trainers can train every type of dog breed whilst others specialize in certain breeds. It is worth your time finding out that the trainer you are evaluating trains the your dog's breed. At the same time also confirm the age groups that they train. Some specialize in puppies only and others in all age groups.

    One way to find good quality trainers is to see if they have any testimonials especially recommendations from veterinarians. This is a really good sign if vets believe this trainer does a good job. It offers some incentive to give them a chance.

    High quality trainers who are sure and certain of what they are doing offer 100% money back guarantees on their services. I have looked around and noticed that some trainers and usually the highly recommended types also have money back guarantees on their services. This is fantastic for you and allows you a risk free trial. If at the end of the training sessions your dog is not acting the way it is supposed to then you will get your money back.

    Other important factors to take into mind is the types of training offered. Dogs need all types of training and not all trainers offer everything. Therefore check what type of training the trainer under consideration offers and see if that goes hand in hand with your needs.

    Also check where training will be taking place. Some trainers do training at their own premises where as some do it at your home. According to your needs see what they offer and evaluate accordingly. Check the time of training and make sure it works with your availability.

    These are just basic questions you can ask when you are comparing trainers. There are numerous others you can also ask to fully compare. This is just a basic list that will help you get start

    For more tips and information Click Here!

    Wadzanai Wendy Nenzou is a dog lover and enjoys writing articles once in a while to do with dog training.

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    Saturday, September 22, 2007

    Hunting Dog Training

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Dog training dog training collar dog training collars dog training tips hunting dog training dog training books free dog training tips dog training schools dog training simple commands bird dog training free dog training dog training videos dog training for dummies dog training supplies dog training basics dog training michigan dog training equipment gun dog training dog training dvd dog training video dog training aids dog training school remote dog training collar i want to read dog training for dummies dog training book police dog training dog training classes service dog training dog training shock collar therapy dog training guard dog training attack dog training electronic dog training collar electronic dog training collars squirrel dog training dog training shock collars search and rescue dog training dog training devices dog training tools guide dog training dog training jobs boxer dog training collar dog training service dog training equipment dog training scents basic dog training

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    Thursday, September 20, 2007

    Dog Psychology - The Key to Successful Dog Training

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Understanding dog psychology and behavior is the key to successful dog training and therefore developing the best possible relationship with your dog.

    For thousands of years there has been a mutually satisfying relationship between humans and their canine friends, one based on loyalty, protection, companionship, and, not the least of which, the ability to in various and effective ways communicate with each other.

    Even the most dim-witted of dogs are able to let us know if they are hungry, need to go out, or want to play frisbee. My dog’s way of letting me know his water bowl is empty is to drop it in front of me with a loud metallic clang. There is no mistaking what he wants.

    Dogs are very intuitive as well and have the amazing ability to interpret and react to human tones of voice and body language. They are capable of learning complicated tricks and procedures, and of course they have enhanced senses of hearing, smell, and low-light vision, thought they perceive colors differently and with less complexity than humans.

    Even with all of these abilities and attributes we will still have a hard time understand dog psychology unless we understand that dogs deal with and process their world in a way very unlike that of people.

    For Example: My dogs are routinely fed at 7:30 AM and again at 5 PM. They have been conditioned to expect to be fed at those times, and if I forget and let the deadline pass by even a few minutes, they will remind me. In dog psychology terms this is a classical conditioned response.

    Always in the past when they reached a certain level of hunger or their “stomach alarm” went off, they got fed. If we are riding in the car at those magic times of the day and have no access to their food, they cannot process the idea that food is not available and they will have to wait until we get home. All they understand is that they are supposed to be fed and it’s not happening.

    Dogs are very good at learning certain cause and effect relationships, and this understanding of dog behavior psychology can be used extensively and with great success in the training process using positive and/or negative reinforcement. But here again there is an obvious difference in how far this information gets processed by dogs.

    Dogs can learn to respond to an amazing number of voice and hand commands and learn to perform complex tricks and service tasks such as guiding the blind, search and rescue, police work, and explosives and arson detection using positive reinforcement.

    On the other hand, most if not all dogs will have a hard time understanding the cause and effect relationship of eating garbage and getting sick. They will do it every chance they get and therefore an additional and more immediate negative reinforcement may be needed to manage that behavior.

    For more information on this subject go to Dog Obedience Training.

    Protect your dog from toxic dog food and treats - Homemade Dog Treats and Meals is a Free ebook featuring 130 Gourmet Cookie, Snack, Biscuit and Meal Recipes for your Canine Companion.

    Ira Nelson has years of experience in the dog care and training field. More information, tips, and techniques like the ones in this article are available at

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    Dog Training - 8 Correction Mistakes Dog Owners Make

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Just like no dog is perfect, neither are pet owners. A lot of dog behavior problems go right back to poor dog owner training. Here are some of the most common mistakes dog owners make that lead to bad dog behavior:

    1. Inconsistent training. Just like with your typical human two-year-old, you've must be consistent when training your dog. Letting Max get away with bad behavior even some of the time will lead to problems down the road.

    2. Reinforcing bad behavior. A classic poorly trained dog owner behavior. Even the best of us don't realize when we've done it. Here's the classic example: Buttons scratches the door to be let in. You just painted the door and don't want Buttons ruining the new paint, so you let him in immediately. Guess what Buttons just learned? If he scratches the door, you'll let him in immediately! Don't let your dog outsmart you! You may just have to put up with a few scratch marks on the door until Buttons gets the message. Never let your dog in the house when he scratches on the door or barks.

    3. Using the dog's name when correcting him. It's important not to make "no" sound like a part of your puppy's name: Buster No! Just say the word, in a low, growling voice. Don't use "no" when your dog isn't doing the unwanted behavior but is considering it. Try "don't," again, using a low, growling, and firm voice.


    4. Leaving the dog alone too much. The pounds are full of young dogs that somebody wanted when they were puppies, but because the owners worked 12-hour days every day, the dog now has behavior problems. Spend time with your dog every day.

    5. Crating a dog too long. Not only is this bad for your dog's behavior, keeping him in a crate for hours and hours day after day can affect his growth and his muscle tone.

    6. Chaining a dog. If you don't have a secure fence, then keep your dog in the house crated. Chaining a dog is dangerous and cruel.


    7. Yelling. Your dog will not respond to yelling. Everyone loses their temper from time to time, but constantly yelling at your dog loses its effect quickly - just like it does on your spouse or your children.

    8. Hitting. Swatting your dog with newspaper or hitting him just teaches him that aggression gets the leader of the pack what he wants. Don't hit your dog. It sets a bad example.

    Some dogs, especially some toy breeds or hounds, may still have trouble. This is especially true of small dogs. Remember, you are training your pet to not leave waste in his den, and to a small dog your home may be too big to seem den-like.

    Marilyn Burnham
    The How To Guide, Dog Training Secrets Professional Dog Trainers Don't Want You To Know!
    For More Information On Dog Training

    Marilyn Burnham was the owner operator of 4 successful dog grooming stores in British Columbia, Canada for more than a decade. To spend more time with her children Marilyn made the decision to sell her business in the mid 90's. Get a copy of her book: ‘Dog Owners Boot Camp’ The How To Guide, Dog Training Secrets Professional Dog Trainers Don’t Want You To Know!

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    Best Dog Training Program For A Happier Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    While adopting a dog is great fun, you have to remember that it also means a lot of responsibilities added to your life. Once you are a dog owner, you have to ensure that your pet has got everything he needs: good care, a safe environment, and everything that will make him healthy and happy. Caring for a dog is a big step to take, but your reward is a loving companion and a lively home environment with a lot of fun.

    To provide your dog with a good life, and to ensure that he is safe at all times, the first step you have to take is to see that he is trained properly. Strangely enough, many people fail to carry out this important task; then they are left wondering why the dog will not listen to his commands or jumps up on visitors. Many a pet dog who has been labeled a “bad” dog, actually needed his owner to train him properly and give him the time necessary to carry out this task.

    A well trained dog will have some really amusing tricks to show off, but more importantly, it will add to his safety. In case he is getting into a dangerous situation, you obedience training will be crucial and you will be able to call him back to safety to your side. He will be well behaved at all times around visitors and family members, an obedient companion to cherish. Moreover, the training process will establish you as the master, and create a strong bond between you and your pet. You can either train your dog yourself, or you can join a training class, and get instructed by professionals.

    Part of your responsibility will be to see that your dog has excellent veterinary care. There should be yearly physical exams and vaccinations updated. You have to put him on the right flea, tick and heartworm medications. If any change in his behavior is noticeable, make a vet appointment right away; the smallest change in his mood, habits, eating or elimination pattern has to be checked out by the vet.

    You have to ensure that there are no places around where your dog can fall or get stuck in, and there should be no sharp objects like pins or nails lying around. Family members have to take care not to leave the door open for your dog to run out on to the street. Never give him food like chocolates, which can be harmful, even deadly.

    Grooming your dog is important for his health. His coat has to be brushed regularly, his nails trimmed, and his eyes and ears have to be cleaned. Proper dental care is important as well; his teeth should be brushed every other day, to keep his mouth clean and give him fresh breath!

    You should also have a plan so that your dog is taken care of in an emergency, like a fire. There has to be a responsible person to get him out of the house in such a situation.

    With good and loving care, some dogs live into their teens. Although this is a pretty long commitment, the rewards are great.

    To find out what Dog Obedience training can do for you and to Learn expert dog training techniques and advice to help with dog behavior problems, and more tips to raise an obedient dog and companion. Please go to this link:

    For more secrets, tips and information on online dog training program for happier dog, visit:

    Article Source:

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    Dog Training Treats - Teaching Your Dog To Sit

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Dogs can be the greatest source of love and happiness in our lives. However, they can also be a source of endless frustration. Usually the difference between a well-behaved dog and a chaotic dog is training. Dog training is an art and a science. Thee are many videos and books written on the subject and a lot of good information can also be found online.

    One of the most basic training commands is “Sit.” It is also one of the most useful. When I take my dogs into a dog store, so many pets are misbehaving, barking at each other, or trying to show who is boss while we are in line. My dogs, however, are commanded to sit while I wait in line. Usually, people are awed by this. But it really isn’t very remarkable. Teaching a dog to sit does not have to be challenging.

    Below is some advice I found online:

    Few things in life are prettier than watching a well-trained dog and one of the basic commands is the sit command. There are several methods of teaching your dog to sit. Two of the most popular are the Click and the Compulsory methods. The Click method is based again on purely positive reinforcement while the Compulsory method uses both positive and negative reinforcements. Let's begin our discussion with the easier of the two, The Click Method.


    The Click Method of training a dog to sit is based upon rewarding the animal for the desired behavior. It gets its name from the idea that some audible queue is used to alert the animal of a pending reward with many trainers using a device called a clicker for this purpose. Whenever the audible queue is given, the reward follows immediately. To train a dog to sit by this method requires little effort on the trainers' part. One begins by lavishing the dog with several treats, one right after the other while giving the audible queue.

    Then abruptly stop the shower of treats and wait for the animal to direct its attention to you. Now display a treat and give the audible queue as you give the treat to the pet. Now hold another treat at chest level so that the dog must look up to see the treat. After a few minutes, your pet will likely sit down on its haunches because this position makes it much easier to watch the treat. Immediately, when this happens, give the audible queue and reward the pet. Repeat this lesson several times.

    After a while you will notice your pet sitting in anticipation of the click and the reward so it is now time to add your verbal command to the routine. When the dog begins to sit, say "sit". This will gradually teach the dog that the command precedes the action and they will learn the meaning of the command in this way. After some practice and a bit of patience, your dog should begin to sit without having to see a reward being offered.

    Now let's discuss the more traditional method of training. The Compulsory Method. This is the method grand dad used on his dogs. Tell the puppy to sit while enforcing it. Saying the verbal command "sit" and pushing down on the puppy's tail section to make it contact the floor accomplish the lesson. With some dogs you might have to hold their chin up during this process or they will go ahead and lie down. The object behind the lesson is to teach the pup when you say "sit" that there is no other choice but to sit and so eventually the animal will respond on its own rather than having to be coaxed into position.

    Some owners use a tool called a choke collar for this training method. They will leash the dog with the choke collar in place and upon the sit command push the dog down. At the same time they will hold the choke collar down by way of the leash allowing only enough slack for the dog to sit but not stand up. If the dog tries to stand the choke collar tightens around the animals' neck producing extreme discomfort.

    The author does not recommend this method as it can produce a nervous and fearful animal, which can become quite aggressive when it feels threatened. Such training also makes leash training much more difficult as it teaches the animal to fear the leash because of the pain inflicted by it. This also tends to lessen the bond between master and dog because the dog comes to associate the master with the pain and discomfort as well and may lash out at the owner or others if the treatment continues.

    In whichever method you choose for training your pet, one thing remains constant. Always be consistent. Also be sure to pour lavish affection upon your pet for good behaviors and responses as this improves their bond to you and makes them desire to please you more fully. With a moderate amount of time and patience, your dog will be rivaling any animal presented at the local dog competitions for his well-trained style and mannerisms. Source:

    Training a dog to sit is not difficult. It requires an investment of time on the part of the owner, but, in the long-run, it will save a lot of time of trying unsuccessfully to control your dog.

    It is also very important to use treats while training your dog. While thee are many inexpensive treats to choose from, I recommend against most of those. Because you will be using lots of treats during the training process, I think it is important to select healthy treats. Your dog will be eating a lot of whatever you choose and the treats that are filled with preservatives and additives are not good choices. There are great places, especially online, to buy treats that are natural and healthy for your dog training needs. Just like the time investment, it may cost a little more now to feed your dog the high quality treats, but in the long run, it will pay off with fewer vet visits! “Sit” is a good command to begin training your dog with. It has innumerable uses and is very rewarding. Once you success in training your dog to sit, you can continue with similar methods to other commands.

    Lisa M Andrews is an expert on dog behavior, dog training, and the right training treats for dogs She helps formulate recipes for gourmet dog treats, and tests them on all of her favorite dogs. She loves spending time with her 3 dogs and assisting dog lovers with finding the right dog treats for their pets' health needs. She also enjoys talking with dog owners and hearing the stories about their favorite pets. She regularly offers advice on dog nutrition, dog health, and natural canine choices.

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    Wednesday, September 19, 2007

    Free Dog Training Tip

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

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    Monday, September 17, 2007

    Dog Training - 6 Cool Tricks to Teach Your Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Now that your dog has mastered all of the necessary commands to be well behaved, it's time to have some real fun! It's easier to teach your dog tricks once he's learned how to respect you and you've earned his trust. Those necessary commands help him to do that.

    Try these tricks to entertain both of you!

    1. Fetch. It's no fun to play ball with a person or an animal that won't give the ball back. Teaching your dog how to fetch will make you both wish playtime would never end.

    If your dog is a retriever, you're ahead of the game. Your dog is hard-wired to want to fetch. But other breeds catch on quickly, too. You just have to be more patient and consistent. Train with your dog just a few minutes a day to be the most effective.

    To teach your dog to fetch, you need a retrieving training tool called a dumbbell. You can buy it at the pet store. It will be a wooden or plastic tube with flanges on both ends to keep it from falling out of your dog's mouth. Be sure to buy one that your dog can pick up easily and one that will allow him to close his mouth around the middle, not the flared edges.

    You start training a dog to fetch by teaching him to open his mouth. Say "Take it" and offer him a food treat. Once he starts opening his mouth in expectation when he hears you say, "Take it," slip the dumbbell inside his mouth. Leave the dumbbell there for a second, then praise him and give him a treat. Try this about four times, and then stop. Do this part of the training for a few days until your dog gets used to having the dumbbell in his mouth.

    Now, start putting the dumbbell in your dog's mouth and command, "Hold it." Gently hold his mouth around the dumbbell for a few seconds. Then say, "Give," and let him spit the dumbbell out. Be sure to praise him and give him a treat. Do this exercise for a few days until your pet will hold the dumbbell in his mouth.

    Next, hold the dumbbell in front of your dog's mouth and command, "Take it." Pull his head toward the dumbbell if you have to. Be sure to praise and give him a treat, even if he just moves his head toward the dumbbell. Practice this until he's used to taking the dumbbell in his mouth. All you have to do now is increase the distance slowly. Continue working on "Hold it," and "Give." It might be a good refresher course for "Come," too. Before too long, your dog will put it all together!

    2. Speak. This is usually a simple trick for your dog to learn if he's vocal already. The trick is to entice him to do it on command and from distances.

    First, choose a hand signal - some trainers make a twisting motion with a closed fist; others open and shut their hand using their fingers and thumb. Using your hand signal, command your dog to "speak." When he barks, reward him and praise him. If your dog doesn't bark automatically, continue to give the command until he gets frustrated and barks, then quickly reward him. Keep practicing and he'll soon understand.

    3. Shake hands or "Gimme five." This is perhaps the easiest trick to teach your dog. Give your dog the "Sit" command. While you gently hold his paw with one hand, say "Gimme five" and hand him a treat with your other hand. You shouldn't have to do this more than a few times for your dog to get the hang of it.

    4. Give me a kiss. This is another easy one. Most dogs will kiss you whether you want them to or not! All you have to do is get them to do it on your terms. Command your dog, "Give me a kiss," and then put your cheek in front of his mouth. When he licks your cheek, praise him and give him a treat.

    5. Roll over. Start by giving your dog the "Down" command. Kneel beside him and gently roll him over on his side and command, "Roll over." Keep rolling him until he's upright again, and then give him praise and a treat.

    A couple of caveats about this trick:

    - Don't keep trying it if it's obvious your pet doesn't like being on his back. Some dogs have stronger backs than others, and if you are successful in teaching your dog to roll over, it's probably a trick you want to retire when he's middle aged. Most elderly dogs have back and hip pain, and there's no point in making your pet suffer.

    - Be sure to only perform this trick on grass or carpet. Asking your dog to roll over continuously on a hard surface could hurt him.

    6. Play dead. This trick produces gales from laughter from school-age boys, so if you have one of those, you might want to get him involved with training the dog on this one. A good time to practice this trick is you're your dog has just exercised and is ready to rest. There's a prerequisite, too - your dog must know the "Down" command.

    Give your dog the "Down" command and notice what side he's leaning on. Gently push him on over as you command, "Bang." As he rolls over, praise him and rub his tummy. Repeat until you don't have to use pressure to force him to roll to his side. Use the "Stay" command to stay "dead." Add the hand signal, a pointing forefinger, as you command the "Bang."

    Most Important Is that you have fun with your dog. A happy dog will always be the dog that responds to your every command. Have a fun day with your dog!

    Marilyn Burnham

    The How To Guide, Dog Training Secrets Professional Dog Trainers Don't Want You To Know!
    For More Information On Dog Training

    Marilyn Burnham was the owner operator of 4 successful dog grooming stores in British Columbia, Canada for more than a decade. To spend more time with her children Marilyn made the decision to sell her business in the mid 90's. Get a copy of her book: ‘Dog Owners Boot Camp’ The How To Guide, Dog Training Secrets Professional Dog Trainers Don’t Want You To Know!

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    Sunday, September 16, 2007

    Dog Training Can Solve Many Problems For You and Your Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Dog training in the form of basic obedience is the foundation of problem solving for your dog. In order for your dog to have a safe, happy, and productive life he must first learn to sit, stay, and come when he is called. Dog training will help him learn to refrain from bad habits such as incessant barking, biting, chewing, fighting, and using the bathroom indoors.

    The two most common misconceptions about dog training are the dominance issue and the dog’s age. It is not necessary for you to be the ‘alpha dog’ in order to teach basic cooperation and respect. This is done through kindness and support rather than through fear.

    The other great dog training misconception is the old adage, “You can’t teach old dog new tricks.” That is simply not true. Dogs of any age can and will learn when the teacher approaches the teaching in the appropriate manner.

    Where can I go to find a good dog training program?

    A good place to start your dog training program is through a local obedience school. You and your dog can become educated on the basics together at school but do most of your practicing at home. After the basic safety commands, come and stay, are learned; the training can move to places such as the park, or the car. Don’t forget, you must be sure your dog will obey your commands everywhere, not just at home.

    Keep the lessons short and positive. Try to incorporate the dog training in all you and your dog’s daily activities. For example if your dog follows you into the kitchen to watch you make breakfast ask him to sit while you cook. While he’s sitting tell him what a good dog he is and when you are finished give him a treat.

    Training should become your dog’s favorite activity. The key is praise. If you reprimand your dog when he does something bad and forget to praise him for behaving throughout the day he will only concentrate only on the negative aspects of training and miss out on all the fun.

    Dog training can be both simple and fun if done correctly and consistently. The three steps are catching the dog in a questionable act, reprimand positively and redirect his energy into an acceptable activity. Don’t nag your dog and never spank him. Above all, praise him all the time. When he lying on the floor minding his own business tell him what a good dog he is. If you follow these simple instructions you and your dog will get along smashingly.

    Mike Long runs a dog training website that focuses on educating people about the different ways of training your dog or puppy. If you would like to learn more, including additional articles, and training tips, tricks, and ideas, check out his site at

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    Friday, September 14, 2007

    Finding A Dog Training Book That Works For You and Your Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    When searching for a great dog training book, look for those dog authors who use humane training methods and have similar goals as yourself. Choose a book that uses training that you feel comfortable with. It does not make sense to get a book that suggests using shock collars if you'd never put one on your pet. Think about how your dog relates to the authors training methods. If your dog is an older pet, then don't buy a book meant for training misbehaving puppies. Look for a book that coincides with your dog, your beliefs and the results that you're looking for.

    If you're looking for a dog training book to help you with your new puppy, then find a book that offers obedience training and early behavior problem solving. Are the techniques used in the book easy enough to carry out? Do you have access to any tools needed, such as a choke collar? Remember, just because the cover of the book shows a puppy that is as cute as your own, doesn't mean the techniques in the book work. Look for good reviews on the book and pet owners who say the book gives good and useful information.

    Some dog training books come with videos which can be very helpful. If you are a visual person, a video or books with clear illustrations will be beneficial. If you still aren't sure which dog training books are best, ask friends, family and even your veterinarian for recommendations. Most dog owners will tell you about books that have practical ideas that work. Don’t count on just one book to tell you everything about training. You may need to purchase a book on obedience and another on potty training. Most authors of dog training books own pets themselves and will write about the way their own dog was trained. This may or may not work for your dog, so be open to new suggestions and look through a few books before deciding on one particular way of training.

    For More Information on Dog Training Please Visit Dog Training Network

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    Thursday, September 13, 2007

    Why it's Important For New Dog Owners to Take Dog Training Seriously

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Are searching for answerers to your dog training problems? Well then you've come to the right place. Most new dog owners think that training their dog is going to be a difficult, daunting task, and for most new dog owners it is, but it doesn't have to be that way. The choice is up to you! The early stages of your dogs life should be a happy time for the two of you. You shouldn't to deal with dog training problems, especially since dog training mistakes are easy to avoid if you are armed with the right information.

    A dogs first year is very critical because it is going to set the stage for the rest of his life, and it will ultimately determine what kind of companion a dog is going to become. Most new dog owners unknowingly making mistakes when they begin the training process. These mistakes lead to problems that make the first year of their dogs life a confusing and trying time for both the owner and the dog. However, learning what you need to avoid doing in order to prevent these behavior problems from occurring is a lot easier than you might think!

    Training mistakes that go unnoticed, and never get corrected are often the most crucial mistakes. If your puppy doesn't seem to be "getting it" when you start potty training him, then subtle mistakes that you might be making could be the culprit. Don't worry though it is not uncommon for new puppy owners to experience these kinds of setbacks. Just don't forget to remember that certain training mistakes will affect your puppy's ability to learn, his behavior later on in life, and they can cause accidents in the house to go on for what might seem like forever.

    The experiences that a puppy goes through during the early stages of his life, define the kind of dog, he will become. Believe it or not the potty training stage is an extremely crucial period in your puppy's life! Training mistakes that are made during this period can result in behavior problems taking place later on in your dog life. More often than not these behavioral problems that some dogs experience later on in life, are often traced back to the puppy training stage. Here are some typical problems that are the result of puppy potty training mistakes:

    * Going to the bathroom in a remote location of the house.

    * Waiting to use the bathroom until he is inside of the house.

    * Reliving himself inside of his crate.

    * Excessive barking or whining when he is in the crate.

    * He is overly submissive with you.

    * He acts scared, or he exhibits fearful behavior.

    * He seems to ignore your commands.

    * He turns around and heads the other way when you call him.

    * He is constantly displaying obsessive or compulsive behaviors.

    * He displays some forms of aggression towards you or other dogs.

    Most of the dogs that develop these problems, do so, because of training mistakes that went undetected, and were subsequently reinforced because they were repeated on a consistent basis. In the end it all boils down to the training, along with the dynamics of the dog owners relationship with their dog that cause a puppy to end up as an adult dog with these behavior problems. however with the appropriate training, and a good upbringing these problems won't be part of your dogs life.

    If you would like to find out how other dog owners have successfully trained there puppy's, and dogs then you need to visit:

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    Dog Behavior: Finding the Right Motivations for Your Dog Training Program

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Motivation affects every living creature. Humans wouldn't go to work every day if they didn't receive a paycheck. Ducks wouldn't hang around cit parks if visitors didn't throw bread crumbs to them. Raccoons wouldn't hide under your house if it didn't provide a safe place for their young. Whether the motivation is as simple as a basic need or as complex as pleasure, all dogs works the same way -- they need to be motivated, such as with food or toys.

    The following concepts are things you might consider at the start of your training regimen to prevent dog behavior problems in future.

    What does your dog like?

    A people-pleasing dog like a Golden Retriever might work for a tennis ball or a good petting, while an independent dog like a Redbone Hound Dog might work for you in order to get his way. All dogs are different, so each owner needs to make a list of what motivates their dog. Does your dog have foods that he likes better than others, or is any kind of food okay? Does he seem obsessed with a certain toy or with fetching in general? Does sitting with you seem painful to your dog if something more interesting is going by? What does your dog truly enjoy?

    You are the person who knows your dog best. A trainer may provide you with some ideas of rewards but they often don't live with the dog 24 hours a day or see the dog in its home environment. Therefore, it is up to the dog's family to create a list of the dog's favorite things in life, and to use those things as motivation when training.

    Many people associate reward-based programs with dog treat training, but that is only looking at part of the picture. A reward to your dog is anything he wants. This can include food, treats, toys, games, attention, walks, car rides or simply the ability to move about freely. Most everyday day actions are rewarding to your dog but would never be considered a reward by most dog owners. For example, a reward for sitting could be to have a leash put on or to be let outside; a reward for a recall might be a car ride; and a reward for a great stay could be a release with a toy thrown. Learn to think like your dog, and you will be able to come up with a large list of rewards.

    Build Training into Everyday Life

    If your dog eats twice a day, you are given two opportunities to practice a sit-wait-release command series. If you throw a ball 20 times each night, you have the opportunity to teach your puppy how to sit or lay down. If your dog goes for a walk each day, you have ample opportunity to practice sitting at street corners, learn proper doggie manners, and teach your dog how to not pull his leash.

    The most successful training programs are based on rewards in the dog's everyday life instead of scheduled training sessions using treat rewards. When a dog is taught commands in special training sessions and those commands are never reinforced again, they are forgotten just as easily as they were learned. In contrast, when you make a command into a habit, it is a command learned for life. A great example is sitting for food. If your dog must sit and wait for every meal (and will not get the meal otherwise), your dog will learn to sit for food by default.

    Verbal Rewards

    Dogs, like human babies, are not born with a firm grasp on the English language. This is why you have to teach your dog each new word and what it means. You do this by using something the dog needs (such as food) to lure and reward the dog. Two examples are:


    • Bridging: Many trainers use a technique called a bridge. This is basically a signal to the dog that the behavior just performed is correct and good things are on the way. This signal can be a click, some other type of noise, or a verbal signal such as "good dog", "yes" or "thank you." To teach your dog a bridge, you need to work with a simple command such as "sit." Have the dog sit, give the dog the bridge ("good!") and then immediately follow with a treat. Once you try this several times, the dog will begin to understand that "good!" means "that is the exact behavior I wanted and good things will come because you did it." Over the course of training, you can begin to add additional time between the bridge and the reward or bridge several times without a direct reward and the bridge will still hold the same meaning for the dog.
    • Luring: Luring means to use a reward (like a treat) to coax the dog into position. For example, to teach a sit, you might take a treat and bring it over the dog's head while saying "sit." When the dog's rear hits the ground, you would then say "good" (using bridging as described above) and give the dog the treat. This helps the dog learn what the word "sit" means by using a basic need (food) to cause a specific behavior.


    It is rare to find a dog that will learn a command without being taught, or obey every learned command for a pat on the head. If you are lucky enough to find one of these rare dogs, then great for you! But for the rest of us, finding ways to motivate our dogs to learn can be a constant challenge. By using knowledge of basic dog behavior, a few training basics and an arsenal of your dog's favorite things, learning any command and obeying it in the long run should be a snap!

    Nikole Gipps is the owner of Creature Teachers (, an informational site featuring articles on the care, nutrition, training and behavior of pets. She holds a BS in Animal Science from Cornell University and spent over a decade working with clients through her training business. Now she spends her days making "dog blogs" to help her readers with their dog and cats problems. Creature Teachers is part of the NHG Consulting Network.

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    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    Secrets of Professional Dog Trainers: Top 10 Tips to Successfully Training Your Dog Yourself

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Dog obedience training is one of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself. Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem including soiling your house, destroying your belongings, barking excessively, digging holes in your yard, fighting other dogs and even biting you.

    For most dog owners, dog obedience training is a daunting task. However, training your dog is about to get much easier, if you follow my advice below. Here Are My Top 10 Tips for Training Your Dog

    1. Dog training should be an enjoyable experience for you and your dog. If you are not in the right mood for training, don't even start.

    2. Keep dog obedience training sessions short (5-10 minutes) to maintain your dog's motivation. Dogs will learn much more from regular short sessions than from longer, less frequent ones. Once the dog has learned several useful commands on the continuous reward schedule, the schedule should be changed to one of intermittent rewards.

    3. Always end training on a positive note. Ask your dog to respond to a command you know he or she will obey. Then reward your dog for a job well done and issue a finish command such as “free” or “release.” Avoid common words such as “okay.” Following a training session, both owner and dog should be left with feelings of accomplishment.

    4. Keep in mind that your dog's motivation to respond to a command decreases as the complexity of the task increases. If your dog doesn't respond appropriately to a command after several attempts, don't reward him or her. Resume training a few seconds later using a simpler command. Return to the more complex task later.

    5. Remember, the odds of success hinge not only on the degree of sophistication of the task, but also your dog's motivation to respond. From a dog's perspective the question is, which is more rewarding: chasing the squirrel or returning to the owner? Understanding this aspect will increase your patience and chances for dog training success.

    6. Training should not involve any negative or punishment-based components. There should be no yelling, no hitting, no chain jerking, no hanging, and absolutely no electric shock. Remember that the opposite of reward is not punishment; it is no reward. If you ignore unacceptable responses, your dog will not be rewarded for his or her failed response. Most dogs want to please their owners or, at the very least, to obtain highly valued resources (food, attention and toys).

    7. Ensure that your dog's motivation for reward is highest during a training session. If food is the reward, train before a meal, not after. If praise, petting and other aspects of your attention are to be used as a reward, schedule the training session at a time when your dog hungers for your attention (for example, after you have returned home from work).

    For complex tasks, such as the off leash down-stay, your dog will be more motivated to comply if he or she has received moderate exercise before the training session. Asking a dog that is bursting with energy to remain in a prolonged reclining position is asking for failure during the early stages of training.

    8. Make sure the reward you offer in training is the most powerful one for your dog. Food-motivated dogs work well for food, but the treats used should be you dog’s favorite food. If praise is used as a reward, deliver it in high singsong tones, which are most pleasing for the dog. Also, enthusiasm in your voice will be much appreciated. If petting is to be used as a reward, it should be in a way that the dog enjoys, such as stroking the dog's hair on the side of his or her face in the same direction that it grows, or scratching him or her on the chest.

    9. After a correct response, reward your dog within ½ second of the command. This will ensure your dog makes the connection between the behavior and the reward.

    10. Use short commands such as sit, down, leave it, quiet, out, and off. Say the word once. Do not repeat the command. Dogs will remember a command for about two minutes before the notion is lost. Shorter words are better than longer words and words that end in a hard consonant (C, K, T, X) are better than those that end in a vowel because you can “spit” them out.

    A Bonus Dog Training Tip:

    The “Holy Grail” of training is to have the dog reliably obeying commands off lead, even when other things are going on around him or her. This level of training can be achieved, but only after a lot of hard work and investment of time. It's something to strive toward.


    As a columnist, Dog behavioral specialist, Dr. Nicholas Dodman has provided thousands of pet owners just like you with valuable insights in keeping their dogs obedient, healthy, and happy. Get your free daily dose of pet crazy stories and access to over 8000 veterinarian approved advice articles guaranteed to help you train your dogs and keep them living longer, stronger lives at:

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    Dog Training Collars and Harnesses - Making the Proper Selection is Essential to Training Success

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Dog training is an art, and like any artist you must pick your tools carefully in order to properly train your dog. Each dog is different, and thus you must be able to decide which collar is most appropriate for your dog based on its temperament, personality, and strength. Below, you will find a description of all the major varieties of dog training collars that you might come across when deciding to purchase one for you pooch.

    The metal choke collar is perhaps the most popular and widely used collar in the dog training world. It should be used in training larger, stronger dogs that tend to take YOU for a walk.

    The metal toggle choke collar is basically the same as you regular choke collar with the major difference being that you can correct you dog easily by using the toggle while your dog is off-leash.

    The pinch collar should be used RARELY and only in situations where the choke collar is ineffective in controlling your dog (i.e. in situations where your dog is very strong, where its highly aggressive, and when it repeatedly lunges at other dogs and people).

    The fur saver choke collar is designed to control the dog without leaving chain marks around the dogs' neck or getting fur caught in the chain which sometimes occurs when using an ordinary metal choke collar. It is mainly used when showing dogs and NOT in training them because the dogs don't tend to respond to them in training and they don't give the quick jerk needed for proper correction.

    The nylon choke collar is best used in small dogs and puppies up to 3 months, because they tend to be more gentle and they tend to get young puppies used to wearing a collar.

    The gentle head leader is best used on dogs that are more shy and easily corrected (i.e. dogs that respond quickly to your commands and dogs that tend to cringe upon your correction).

    The electronic collar is mainly used for two reasons: first its used on field dogs (i.e. in bird hunting) and second it is used as a means of training the "out" command to a protection dog in its bite training phase.

    The tracking harness is used for exactly what its name suggests: for tracking game, suspects, lost individuals, or competition articles.

    And finally, the seeing eye dog harness is designed so that the dogs' owner can hang on to the lead while the dog guides her to her destination. Unlike other leads, this lead is designed so that the dog can pull its owner forward as it walks instead of gently walking beside her on loose lead.

    Armen T. Ghazarians offers advice, information, and articles regarding many aspects of professional dog training for all those who are not professional dog trainers themselves. For more articles like this one, visit his website at

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    Tuesday, September 11, 2007

    10 Dog Training Commands You Can Use To Train Your Beloved Dog!

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Let's face it. Even though the dog is called 'man's best friend' it still needs to be trained to adapt it to human beings. How we train our dogs? By using a specific set of dog training commands. Every dog owner should know about these dog training commands, so that they can train their dogs to do both simple and complex tasks. In this article, I will give you a comprehensive list of dog training commands. This is list is in no way exhaustive, but it gives you an idea about the commands we most commonly use with our own dogs. As you read though this article, you will discover that some dog commands are pretty similar to those we use when talking to a human. Others are a bit wacky.

    1. "Off": If you want to have your dog focus on certain things or become more attentive to you, then you can use this command. This is really an effective way of increasing a dog's attention span.

    2."Dog's Real name": This is one of the most effective dog training commands that many dog owners don't seem to use. I recommend you call the dog by its own name whenever you feel like calling it. This will help the dog develop a personal relationship with you and help it understand your commands more clearly.

    3. "Good": If you like something that your dog has done then compliment him using this command.

    4."No": On the other hand, if you disapprove of something that the dog has done, you can use this dog training command to let it know about your dislike.

    5. "Take it": If you want to give the dog a toy of food or something else, you can use this command to ask the dog to take the thing from you.

    6."Sit": To tell your dog to sit, use this command. This is the same command we use for humans as well!

    7. "Down": Ever wondered if there is a command you can use to tell your dog to lie down? Well, in case you don't know, this is the command you can use for this purpose.

    8."Easy" If you want the dog to stop at the last part of the leash and hang around for you, or come back to you and wait, then you can use this highly effective dog training command. Also if you want the dog to be attentive to you even when there are certain distracting elements around, then too you can use this command.

    9. "Quiet": How many times has your dog wrecked your nerves by barking loudly all day long? This simple command will work like a stopper on his mouth.

    10. "Kennel Up" - "Bed": It is night time and you want your dog to have a good night's sleep. However, your dog doesn't understand it. Use any of these two commands to tell the dog to creep on to its crate.

    As I said before, this list is in no way exhaustive. Also, if you really want to train your dog properly, merely learning a few dog training commands won't do. To learn about the other aspects of dog training, please take a look at my dog training guide by clicking the link in my resource box below!

    Is your beloved dog driving you crazy? As a dog owner myself, I know exactly how much of a struggle training a dog can be. With our Obedience Dog Training course, you will learn how to train your dog in a matter of days, even if you are a busy professional. Try it by visiting:

    You can get more such tips at:

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    Monday, September 10, 2007

    Dog Training Collar

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

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    Sunday, September 9, 2007

    Getting the Right Dog Agility Training Equipment for Your Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Agility training is considered a specialized area when it comes to dog training and while it may not be for every dog the majority of dog breeds can enjoy this exciting type of training. There is a variety of dog agility training equipment on the market today that can assist the owner who is interested in this form of dog training. The great thing about agility training is the fun that all dogs have doing it. There is no greater outlet for a dog than getting lots of exercise, and if they are learning at the same time it is a win-win for both dog and owner.

    Before buying any agility training equipment it is a good idea to check out a training manual or check with your local agility training club to see which type of training and equipment is best suited for your particular dog. Because each breed of dog has its strengths and weaknesses it is important to set tasks that they can excel in. Every aspect of your dogs breeds abilities needs to be considered when determining not only the training methods but also the type of agility course to use.

    The obstacle course is one of the agility exercises that many dogs and owners enjoy the most. It normally consists of a series of jumps, tunnels, hoops, turns, and other obstacles which the dog must be trained to navigate. If you have a breed that is naturally good at surmounting these types of obstacles you will find that they will learn to overcome any and all obstacles quickly and easily. The bond between owner and dog is further strengthened because of the communication and trust needed to successfully teach a dog to run these type of courses.

    When training a dog to run an agility course it pays to make the experience as fun as possible. The more fun you have the better the experience for both you and your dog. Lots of positive reinforcement with praise is key to getting the best out of any dog. They naturally love to please and if they are having fun at the same time the rewards will be that much greater.

    If you are considering dog agility training for your dog then it pays to do some up front research before purchasing any training equipment. By choosing the equipment that is best suited for your dog and the goals you have set you will soon see returns on your investment in your dog agility training equipment.

    To learn more about dog agility training equipment and other training tips and tricks please visit the website

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