Instant Dog Traning

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Discover 3 Simple and Effective Dog Training Tips That Will Make Your Dog Bark With Joy

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Two of the most important characteristics that a dog owner should have is patience and dedication. Taking care of a dog has many similarities compared to taking care of your own child. Through experience, you'll be gaining a lot of skill in personal awareness as well as understanding with your dog. While there are many ways to train a dog and handle dog obedience, I'd like to share with you 3 tips for taking care of your dog:

1. Understand your dogs actions and reactions. As you do so, you'll be able to gauge what your dog will do and how to react ahead of time. You'll also be able to treat your dog in a manner that it expects. If you're dog is pretty rough or fierce, you'll be able to take care of it in a more forceful approach. On the other hand, if you have a little cute squeeze ball for a bet, being forceful is something that you do not want to do. Instead, you'll be more gentle with your dog. As you gain understanding of your dog over time, you'll be more in tune to its sensitivities, wants, and needs.

2. Act with consistency. By acting consistent, you're allowing your dog to understand you better. Nothing more will confuse your dog if you thinks differently everyday. By this, I'm focusing on your behaviors with your pet and how you interact with each other.

Do you remember the old Pavlov dog experiment? Dogs react to simple behaviors that are repeated. Repetition means consistent. As you repeat the most basic training behaviors, your dog will learn more and more. As your dog gets older, you will still be going through consistent repetition with more advanced training.

3. Signal with one arm and hand. Do you remember a time when you reacted without thinking? Can you remember a similar time when you used your arms and hands? There are many times when we use both arms and hands to express ourselves and what we feel. However, when you're training a dog, you'll want to stick with the basics. Just use the same arm and hand while training your dog.

So does that seem easy? I'm afraid that it seems to easier than said. This doesn't just mean use one arm, when in fact that's what I said. By training with one arm, you are isolating that behavior. Your signal should be focused in using that one arm and hand. That means that you do not exaggerate other body movements as your train your dog. For example, a nod can give your dog the wrong signal. While this can be tough, having a friend watch you as you train your dog can help. Your friend can tell you whether or not you are doing other movements that you may not be aware of.

Jennifer Bennet-Chen is a contributor to You can visit the website to get free dog training tips.

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