Instant Dog Traning

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Advance Dog Training Tools - An Introduction to Electronic Dog Collars

Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

>>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

You consider yourself a responsible dog owner and understand that every dog needs some form of training in their life. Nevertheless for whatever reasons, you actually do not know how to go about training your dog. While searching for dog training tools online, you came across this highly recommended tool known as electronic dog collar. What is it exactly and how can it help you train your dog more efficiently and effectively.

There are several types of electronic dog collars available in the market, and they are primary used for two purposes. Firstly, it is to help keep your dog within a boundaries set by you outside of the house. The second purpose is to help house train your dog to understand the house rules and the desired behaviors expected of him in the family.

For an electronic dog collar that is use to keep a dog within a confine area to work, you will first need to have an electronic fence installed in your own yard. Currently there are DIY systems in the market that allows you to do it yourself, nevertheless the installation process can be complicated, and unless you have the technical skills or have some form of experience and help, it is advisable to get the professionals to install the system for you.

These electronic fences are invisible fences and are usually bury underground. They have the benefit of being invisible for those people that don't like the look of fences around the house. It works by having your dog to wear an electronic dog collar, and when your dog goes near the outside perimeters of the electronic fence, he is met by an electric shock that will remind him to keep away.

For the electronic dog training collars use to train dog behaviors. They operate by sending shock waves to the dog telling him that a certain behavior is unacceptable. They either send the shock on their own, or by a remote that is control by the owner. Electronic collars are useful in aiding dog behavior training, on the other hand, users must also think of the humane aspects while using and not abuse it. Although the electric shock they receive is not immense, there are still alternative ways to teach a dog not to misbehave. Squirting vinegar water mixture solution with a spray bottle at your dog while he is misbehaving is also a good way.

Those collars that send the shock waves by itself are usually electronic barking collars design to help stop dog barking problems. The primary purpose of this collar is to stop a dog from barking when it is not suppose to. The collar works by having sensors incorporated into the dog collar. These sensors can tell when the dog is barking. Whenever the dog starts to bark, the electronic dog collar either emits a high pitched noise, or releases a squirt of citronella fragrance under the animal's nose, both actions are very irritating to the dog and will make it stop barking.

These electronic dog collars are surely useful when use in the right way. It is perfectly alright to use them to aid your dog behavioral training. You can also stop using them as long as the dog has been house trained. If you would like to purchase an electronic dog collar, make sure you learn how to use it properly first.

Moses Wright is the webmaster of Dog Collar. You can find more useful information on Fancy Dog Collar and Electronic Dog Collar on his site. You can reprint this article if you keep the content and live link intact.

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    Dog Treats: Should You Use Them In Dog Training?

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    There's always been some controversy over whether you should give treats (i.e. dog biscuits or MilkBones) when you are training a dog. There are advantages and disadvantages to giving treats to a dog when you are training him. This article will hopefully clear up any confusion you might have.

    Now, some people say, "Of course! Give the dog treats so he'll obey you. After all, you won't get his attention if you don't give him anything he enjoys." On the other hand, some other people will say, "No, don't give the dog treats! He'll be only obeying you for the food."

    There is truth to both the opinions stated above. The dog does need some incentive to obey you, right? But also, what if they dog does begin to work only for the food? What then? If he's not hungry and doesn't really want the food, then he doesn't have any reason to obey you!

    So should you use dog treats? The answer is YES, but in moderation . Don't give the dog a biscuit every single time he obeys you; instead, sometimes just praise him excessively instead. Also, don't make the "prize" too big or you'll be overfeeding him. For example, break a biscuit in half or even cut it into three pieces so you're not feeding your dog too much when you train him.

    Here's another idea for training young puppies. Don't feed them biscuits at all – just use adult dog food pellets. The pellets are big enough to be a treat for the young puppy's tiny mouth, but small enough that it won't overfeed the puppy.

    Another very important point I'd like to make is that you shouldn't train your dog to obey you only for the food as a reward. Although you might not consciously be doing this, it's easy to slip into the habit of just rewarding your dog with a treat every single time he does anything remotely good.

    Instead, you want your dog to think of you as the "strong master," or the "alpha" over him, so that he obeys you because you're the master and because he wants to please you, not just because you have a treat. You can do this by praising him a lot in a high voice when he does something good and in a deep, "you're in trouble" voice when he does something bad. You want him to distinguish between the voices and figure out that a high voice means "good" and low means "bad" and whenever you do the low voice, you are not pleased with him.

    I hope this article has helped you in training your dog. I hope you have much success in developing a well-behaved, friendly dog!

    Get your 100% free dog training tips e-Course! Click below:

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    Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    Dog Training: How To Train Your Dog To Shake Hands

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    One of the more advanced tricks you can teach your dog, once he has learnt basic obedience, is how to “shake hands”. Now before you try to teach you dog this, you need to have the basics of obedience (like sit, stay etc) down. This is because your dog needs to respect you to learn tricks from you.

    You also need to know that some breeds of dog are better suited to this trick than others, so don’t be disappointed if your dog can’t or won’t perform this trick very easily.

    With this in mind, let’s learn how to train your dog to shake hands.

    The first thing you need to do is have your dog sitting on your left hand side. You then kneel down while holding your dog’s collar in your left hand. Then show your dog the food treat that you should have in your other hand.

    The next step is to move your right hand downwards towards the ground. Go down far enough to have your hand in front of your dog’s paw. You want to make sure you’re holding his collar still at this point, otherwise he may want to lie down to sty close to the food treat.

    Next, you need to push the food reward towards your dog’s paw. Your dog will then lift up his paw. When he does this, you need to put your hand underneath the paw, and lift slightly up and away from the ground.

    When your dog’s paw is resting against your fist with the food reward, lift it up and give your dog the command “paw” or you may prefer “shake hands”. Then give your dog his well earned food reward.

    Now it goes without saying that it will take a few goes for your dog to learn this. As with all dog training, persistence and patience is required. But if you stick at it, your dog should soon have learnt a nice trick that you can use to impress your friends and family.

    Amy Howells is the owner of the Dog Owner Blog, where she gives free tips, lessons and advice on how to train your dog. She has recently started posting her dog training book for free, so make sure you go check her site out right now.

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    6 Tips For Dog Training - How to House Train a Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    The dog is said to be man's best friend. However, there are certain moments that dog owners get a little frustrated, and yes, sometimes angered by their pet dogs because of their innate rage to pee in every corner of the house.

    How convenient would it be for dog owners if their dogs were a little bit more obedient? Getting one's dog trained is a very good idea since it relieves the owners of the hassles of cleaning every corner of the house.

    However, getting professional trainers to do the job can really a hole in one's pockets, this is why more and more people are doing house training for their dogs. Here are some tips on how to house train a dog:

    1. Observation is the key

    From the start, one should observe his dog or puppy during times when he is excreting. This will tell a lot about the warning signals and the different signs that dogs are making when they are about to unload it. Perhaps, one can take down notes on what specific time of the day the dog wants to do "his thing" and what behavioral signs does he give when he is about to do it.

    2. Go outside

    Make it a point to make the dog feel comfortable outside the house. Let him explore your garden (but don't let him destroy the plants) for him to find a comfortable spot to relieve himself. Do this everyday and the dog will eventually be more comfortable in doing this outside the house.

    3. Stay with him

    When house training your dog, always make sure that you stay with him until he finishes. If you leave him by himself, he will have the tendency to do other things such as explore the garden or chase other animals.

    4. Be patient

    This tip is especially effective for puppy owners. When puppies arrive in a new home, he will feel very uncomfortable at first and will usually cry during the night. Owners should be observant to be able to identify the signals that the puppy gives to communicate that he would want to relieve himself. Owners should carry him to the designated place every time he does these signals so as to give him a message that excretion is to be done outside.

    5. Never use ammonia-based cleaners

    During house training, dog owners should never use ammonia-based cleaners to clean their houses. These substances' smell is a lot like that of urine's. Dogs will have the tendency of peeing on corners which smell like urine, so avoid using these substances.

    6. Don't be harsh on the dog

    There will be times that the dog or puppy will make a mess inside the house and there are cruel dog owners who would punish their dogs too much. Some slap their dogs with newspapers or other things (God knows what) or stick the dog's nose into his mess. This should be avoided since the owner has the sole responsibility of making sure that the dog does not make a mess inside the house.

    These are just some few tips on house training a dog. Remember that a dog is like a family member who should be taken cared of and loved.

    For more tips on how to house train a dog, click here

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    Sunday, August 26, 2007

    Dog Training Tips for the New Dog Owner

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Let's face it, for many people training their dog is a struggle that sooner or later leads them to just give up and let their dog do whatever he pleases. Then they ask themselves why they have such a disobedient dog. More experienced dog owners know that dog training is something that is always going on. Whenever they are with their dog they are always training him. Going for walks, playing in the park, even just relaxing around the house are all opportunities to teach.

    Dogs by nature are curious creatures who get easily bored. If there is not a proper outlet for this boredom they will find something to do. And to a dog who doesn't know the difference chewing up a shoe or digging holes in the yard is neither good nor bad. It's just something to do. The more a dog learns to please himself and do whatever he wants the less control his owner will have. A disobedient dog does not just happen; by ignoring, mistreating or being lackadaisical about training him he will learn all sorts of bad behaviors all by himself.

    Dogs love to please their owners but without feedback they have no idea if they are doing right or wrong. Everything is the same to them. This is why it is important to praise a dog when they are being obedient. Positive reinforcement is one of the most powerful dog training tools a dog owner can use.

    Many people do not realize the amount of work needed to train some of the more amazing dogs they see on TV or here about in news reports. Police dogs, seeing eye dogs, military dogs can take a good year of intense training to get them to the point where they can even start working in that capacity. And their training never stops. Dogs do not come trained and they will not learn simply because they inhabit the same space as their owners. Dogs have no inborn sense of right and wrong; everything is the same to them, unless they are taught.

    Dog training is all about teaching a dog good behavior. Repetition is the name of the game when it comes to training a dog. Combined with praise for a job well done a dog will soon learn what its boundaries are and who is actually in charge. The first thing every dog should learn is their name. This is what gets their attention and simply saying it should stop them dead in their tracks from whatever they are doing. From there on a dogs training should be a daily routine; housetraining, sitting, staying, not barking or jumping up on people, these are things that will make life with a dog easier and much more enjoyable.

    For more dog training tips and tricks visit the website by clicking here.

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    Friday, August 24, 2007

    Dog Training: Teaching Your Dog the Sit Command

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Teaching your dog the "sit" command could be one of the most useful commands you ever teach him. A poorly trained dog is a direct reflection on you the pet owner and how much care about your dog. In fact an untrained dog becomes a nuisance to its owner therefore the dog and owner become unhappy. Whether it's a puppy or a fully grown dog you can teach them to sit with a little effort on your part.

    Have you been putting it off because you think your dog will never be able to learn a new 'trick'? Don't put it off any longer. Start teaching your dog how to sit today.

    Use some of these tips to teach your dog to sit:

    You are going to need some treats; unfortunately this is always the best way to get a dog to do something you want! You can use anything you know your dog enjoys: biscuits, chewy treats or household items.

    The main goal is to get your dog to sit when you use the word. One way you can gradually get your dog used to the word is by saying the word when the dog is sitting anyway. Dog sits down - you say "sit" and praise them.

    You will also need to practice this every day by doing the following:

    - Call your dog and offer them the treat. Let them sniff the treat and get excited first!

    - Slowly move the treat until it's over the dogs head. The dog will naturally move into the sitting position.

    - It's important that the dog associates the activity of sitting with the treat, the praise and the action of sitting. Try to get your timing right.

    - Keep bribing the dog and gradually decrease the size of the treat. Keep enthusiastically praising the dog.

    - Repeat this exercise a few times a day. Don't overdo it - you want your pet to think of it as fun.

    - Try to practice around mealtimes when your dog is hungry; this will make him keener for the treats.

    - Have the treats easily accessible, don't fumble around - the treat needs to happen as the dog is sitting.

    - Don't push your dog’s bottom down; this won't work because your pet will associate the action of sitting with having you push his bottom to the ground. If this really isn't working you might want to consider obedience classes with other dogs.

    - End each training session on a positive note.

    Teaching your dog to sit using these positive reinforcement techniques will strengthen the bond between you. Consider it time well spent.

    Once you have mastered the basic command 'sit' it should be quite easy to train your dog the other basic commands. "Sit-stay", "down" 'heel' and 'come are some of the most useful commands. Use the treats in a similar way. Training your dog is an ongoing process. You want to keep praising your dog regularly and never associate anger with the dog’s reaction to your command.

    Make use of every new situation to train or put your training into practice. The most important part about learning how to sit - is that the dog sits under a variety of conditions. Sitting in new environments, around other dogs, around new people, when the doorbell rings etc.

    Training your dog well is one of the most important things you can do for your dog. Besides having a well behaved dog you will also have an obedient dog. Dogs function as part of a pack - and you are the leader. Your dog will be better adjusted and happier if they know their place in the pack. Your dog is by nature keen to please you. Be a great pack leader and start teaching your puppy to sit today!

    Steve Allison is a third generation of professional dog breeders along with his brother Gary. It all started with his grandparents in 1970 with the Boston Terriers and has expanded to Maltese, Yorkshire Terriers, Pugs, Shih Tzu’s and Pomeranians. He is also actively involved with dog rescue and has a website that showcases the puppies they occasionally has for sale at All My Puppies Online Steve is also the co-author of two consumer guides, Carpet Secrets and Moving Secrets Guide.

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    Crate Dog Training - Helping Your Dog to Feel Comfortable

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    When you are a dog breeder, or you show dogs on a regular basis whether for beauty or obedience, you have to take crate dog training into consideration. Even if your dog is just a companion for you and/or your family, he should learn to be able to understand the crate, and to accept it as a fact of life in some circumstances.

    Like most animals, dogs would rather not be confined to a small space. This is where crate dog training can be so important. Simply shoving your dog into a crate for travel or when you need him to stay in one specific spot could cause him to become confused and frightened. Before you ever need your dog to use a crate, you should get him used to it. To start off, keep the crate in a place where your dog can see it every day, and keep the crate door open. Let him get used to the smell, the look, and the fact that the crate is simply a normal item in the home.

    When it comes to more active crate dog training, you want to go a step further. Keep the crate in the same place and the door open, but also start putting dog treats in it. Don’t do this when your dog is watching; wait until he is not around the crate and put a couple treats in there. Don’t show your dog that they are there; let him discover them on his own. Don’t worry, he’ll smell the treats, and he’ll figure out exactly where they are. After doing this for a while, he’ll start seeing the crate as something that could hold positive things for him. After a while, crate dog training will become something that much easier, since you will not have used any type of force, and your dog will respond well to that.

    For More Information on Dog Training Please Visit Dog Training Network

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    Thursday, August 23, 2007

    Dog Training - House Training Your New Puppy

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    House training is the first thing your new puppy must learn. The toileting process a puppy learns in the first few months as a member of your household will last a lifetime so it’s important to do it right the first time. House training issues are the number one reason why dogs are taken to animal shelters so let’s begin.

    It’s important to understand that your puppy probably won’t be completely trained until he’s about 6 months old. That’s because young puppies lack the bladder and bowel control that they need to be reliably left alone for long periods of time.

    It is also important for you to be available to supervise your new puppy but we all know that life happens. If you can’t be available for a period of time, confine your puppy to a small puppy-proof room. The entire floor should be covered with newspaper or some absorbent, disposable material. At first, your puppy will go everywhere in the room. As he gets older he will favor one area. Slowly reduce the area covered in papers until the puppy eventually goes only on the toilet papers. The floor in the puppy-proof room should not resemble other floor areas in the house like carpet or hardwood. Once your puppy is used to eliminating on a particular surface, he will want to eliminate on that type of surface.

    If you want to train your puppy to use only papers, your task is complete. Most owners prefer for their dogs to eliminate outside so the puppy-proof room should only be used when you aren’t home to supervise. If your puppy spends time in a crate, which he should at first, you can place papers in one area in the crate for your puppy to use. Dogs are naturally very clean animals and they will do their best no to soil their bed area. This really helps your puppy develop self control.

    For puppies who are to be outdoor trained, take the puppy to his designated toilet area every 45 minutes. When your puppy does his business in his designated area, lavish praise on him. Don’t be afraid to look like a fool when providing this praise. He is learning the most important lesson in living in your household so go overboard with praise.

    Put your puppy on a consistent feeding schedule so you can anticipate his needs. While he does need free access to clean, fresh drinking water, don’t give him unrestricted access to food. Likewise, until he is fully trained, do not give him the run of the house. One thing that will greatly aid in this process is putting a collar and long lead on your puppy and tying the other end of the lead around your waist. Your puppy will like being close to you and he won’t have the opportunity to make many mistakes.

    That doesn’t mean that mistakes won’t happen. When they do, don’t punish or reprimand him. He won’t understand the reason for the punishment and he might become nervous or agitated. He might even think he is being punished for eliminating at all. This could set your training back rather than moving it forward.

    The main thing you need for house training your puppy is patience and a good sense of humor. Be calm and relaxed while being consistent in your schedule and your puppy will be relaxed and calm while learning what he needs to learn to become a well adjusted member of the family.

    While you and your puppy are bonding during this training time, you can start to introduce other commands like sit, come, stay, down. See my other articles on these individual commands and be sure to sign up for my newsletter at:

    C Perkins is a dog lover who is allowed to live with her two dogs, Tillie and Pierrot, in the beautiful foothills of North Carolina.

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    Dog Training Information for Training Your Puppy

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Puppy Training

    Puppy training can be a trying time. The key to this time is to really remember that all puppy behavior is normal. They like to mouth, jump, bark, dig and piddle wherever they are. They aren't doing it to annoy you, they are just doing what they have learned so far. It is our job to train them not to do these things.

    Think of it as teaching your child to read. You wouldn't punish your child for not knowing the alphabet if they have never seen it before right? So we don't need to punish our puppies for things we haven't taught them. Here, we will talk about normal puppy behavior and ways to encourage them to try something new. Remember - Behavior that is followed by something the dog likes will increase! puppy training should be a lot of fun!

    Puppy behavior

    Jumping: There are two ways to solve this - first, stand on their leash. Second, teach them to sit. By teaching sit we are removing the desire to jump.

    Mouthing: See this full article on puppy mouthing.

    Pulling: This one is easy. Just stop walking! If you never go anywhere when the dog pulls, he will quickly learn. Offer a small treat when he is by your side and talk in a happy voice to encourage him.

    The key to training any behavior is to be 100% consistent in your efforts. Often times it will get worse before it gets better but it will go away if you are consistent.

    Puppy dog training

    Try enrolling in a puppy kindergarten near you. This will really help with socialization and early puppy dog training. Find a dog trainer near you.

    Housebreaking puppies

    Puppies need to go to the bathroom after they play, chew, drink, eat or sleep. Start by putting them on a leash and tethering them to you. That way you can be aware of them when they start sniffing the ground (usually a cue the puppy needs to go potty). Pick them up and carry them outside. When they go potty, tell them "good potty" and give a cookie as a reward. Do not let your puppy off leash until they have finished going so they get into the habit of going potty, then playing. Many puppies will want to go outside just to play if you let them off leash first.

    What if my puppy has an accident?

    He will. Do not punish your puppy though. If you catch your puppy in the act then clap your hands or pick them up - this will make your puppy stop going. Get him outside FAST and let him finish up out there. Reward him for going outside. Clean up the mess with natures miracle which will remove the odor completely.

    Do NOT rub their nose in it, swat them with a newspaper, or isolate your puppy. It will only teach them to not go in front of you.

    If your puppy is going frequently in the house you are probably not supervising them enough. Watch and learn their cues. If you feel you are watching and your puppy isn't getting it you can always have them checked for a Urinary tract infection.

    If your puppy piddles when you greet them, this could be submissive urination. This would be a problem that is usually cured by ignoring the behavior and letting your puppy calm down before touching them when you first see them.

    This article not only applies to puppies, but it is how you should train a dog of any age. If you can't supervise your dog, please put them in a crate to help curb accidents. Remember, dogs go where they go most!

    This can be a trying time, so have patience and you will get through it.

    Amy Dunphy CPDT
    Owner of the Dog Trainer Search

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    Dog Training - Why You Really Need To Train Your Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    If you have never had a dog before you may not think that obedience training is important. But when it comes down to it, dog obedience training is more important than you could ever imagine. The fact of the matter is that without training your dog has a good chance of turning into an out of control problem. Luckily, with the proper dog obedience training you should not have any problems avoiding this.

    Have you ever seen your neighbor walking a dog and the dog is pulling so hard you almost think that the neighbors arm is going to be pulled out of its socket? Or, have you heard. on a beautiful summer morning, one of your neighbor shout “come” “Come” “COME”? Well, guess what, somebody’s dog is not paying attention. Do you really want that to be you? I don’t think so.

    The main point of taking your dog to obedience training is to teach it the basics of behaving. While this is not always the easiest thing to do, when you rely on a professional you should be able to get the help that you need. After all, professional trainers are the ones who have the experience in getting even the worst dogs to behave in all situations.

    Yes, professional is the keyword here! Please, do not just take everyone’s advice when it comes to your dogs. Find out from a professional what is good for you, your family, and your pet.

    Additionally, with obedience training you can rest assured that your dog will never jump on anybody who comes into your home ever again. Chances are that this has happened to you before, and for this reason you are well aware of how annoying it can be. With simple dog obedience training, you will never have to worry about putting guests out.

    Finally, dog obedience training is not nearly as expensive as many people think. Although you will have to pay for the proper dog obedience training, in the end this is well worth the money. For a couple hundred dollars or less, you can have your dog on the right path to behaving in no time at all.

    As you can see, dog obedience training offers many benefits to the owner. If you have recently purchased a dog or have one that is not behaving, considering enrolling in obedience classes. You may be surprised at how quickly your dog learns!

    Ruth is actively involved with the internet and she finds it very exciting. Her passions are people and pet health. She is a wife, a step mom a dog owner and a business person. She is married for almost 30 years to Chris who has been, and still is, battling the monster MS. Two of her dogs are Certified Therapy Dogs. She is currently working from her home.

    Her About Page

    Her home page:

    Her Pet Blog

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    Monday, August 20, 2007

    A Dog Training School Will Make A Happy And Obedient Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

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    For many people, as soon as they buy a puppy they sign up at a dog training school in order to make sure their puppy is well behaved. For others, it might be that your dog develops some unpleasant behaviors, or maybe you've decided that you're tired of the things he's always done. Whatever the reason for enrolling your dog in a dog training school, it's a great way to get professional assistance training your dog.

    The main purpose of a dog training school is to teach the owner how to communicate effectively with their pet. This is particularly important when a dog has developed bad behaviors, as the owner needs to make it clear to the dog when he's doing something wrong, and help train the dog with new, appropriate behaviors.

    Some behaviors that often result in a visit to a dog training school include:

    - Jumping on people
    - Jumping on the furniture
    - Disobedience
    - Not listening to commands
    - Biting
    - Excessive barking

    Both the dog and owner attend dog training school, as often the owner needs to be trained correctly in order for the dog's behavior to improve. Some dogs react badly in certain environments, for example, and you need to learn how to recognize those triggers and either avoid them or help the dog to overcome his negative reaction. Other problems are caused by boredom, and by changing routines, the dog owner can help to alleviate the boredom issue.

    Good behavior is the result of good communication between the dog and owner. So a lot of the dog training school program will focus on establishing a social hierarchy that puts you as the leader. Then, you can start to work on establishing obedience in your dog. Both verbal commands and hand signals are used to communicate with your dog. If the dog responds well, it may even be possible to complete a more advanced program which is conducted off-leash.

    It's hard to love your dog when he's behaving badly, so the most positive outcome of attending dog training school is the chance to establish a positive, loving relationship with your dog. In some ways, that's even better than having an obedient dog.

    For more dog training tips, try visiting - a popular website that provides tips, advice and resources for puppies, middle-aged and veteran dogs.

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    Dog Training ("A Fun and Easy Ways To Train Your Dog")

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    1. This first one is easy. You just start by saying "sit" every time the puppy sits itself. He learns to associate the word sit with the action. This is a tip you can use in all training.

    2. Take out his favorite treat and keep it in your hand. Sausage usually works well but remember to cut it in small pieces so the puppy can swallow it fast.

    3. Sit down on the floor so you get to the same level as the dog. You are less threatening when you sit. More important is that you are close to the dog so you can reward him faster. More about this soon.

    4. Slowly move the treat over your puppy's head. The intention is to get the puppy to smell the treat (he will) and follow it with his nose. He has two options. Either back still standing or sit down. It's easier to sit down.

    5 Immediately as he sits you say "sit" and give him the piece of sausage. This is the key factor to all training. The reward has to be exact in the same moment as the dog does the right thing.

    6. Praise the dog. Show your joy with your voice as well as with your body language.

    7. Repeat these steps 3-5 times. Not more than that though, as it has to be fun! On the other hand you can repeat the steps several times during the day.

    8. In the next step you should try these steps while standing up. You can try to see if the dog reacts only to the word "sit" without your hand and the treat. If he sits down you obviously should praise him and if he doesn't don't care. You should never show your disappointment to your dog when you are training.

    This is pretty easy for the puppy. In a day or two you will get him to sit with your "sit" command. Now you can try to make him sit down beside you. This is actually a preparation for the heel training. There you want him to sit as soon as you stop walking. If you have thoughts about obedience competitions with your dog you should consider the exact position where he sits and also how fast he sits. That is however off topic in this article.

    The next level is to strengthen the word so you get the dog to sit in every situation no matter what's going on around him. This is an ongoing process and you should never stop training. Use every new situation to train him. Make him sit with new people, new dogs and new surroundings.

    It's quite easy to train your dog to sit. If you consider not training your dog my advice is, think again. When you start training with your new puppy you get much more than the sitting part The puppy loves to do things with you. He learns to listen to his name. He gets used to training and doing things with you and on your initiative. This all together strengthen your position as the leader, and the puppy feels secure. When the puppy falls asleep in the evening his last thoughts should be: "This is really a great pack!"

    Author's WebSite: William McRand Sr is happily married, Holds down A full time job and is also involved in Internet Marketing (Affiliate Programs).

    He has taken his love of marketing and developing web sites to the top in his marketing business, that offers love of marketing to others.

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    Dog Behavior Training - Why You Should Train Your Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    On the surface, dog training may look like a waste of time. Why train your dog to learn tricks? What good are they? Your dog already knows the basics, so why should you do more than that? Oh, sure, Joe's dog can play dead and roll over. So, obviously Joe has far too much time on his hands. Why bother? Well, primarily training beyond the basics has three very good advantages; socialization, safety, and bonding.

    Socializing your dog is simply the act of making him a pleasure to be around for people and other dogs alike. Who wants to be around a dog - especially a large one - who jumps on everyone with whom he comes in contact? If you have a dog that jumps, you may feel forced to resign him to the backyard when company visits, which may in turn make an annoying barker out of him as he feels left out of social gatherings. But if you treat the problem by training him not to jump, you will enable him to enjoy the company of others when they come for a visit. You will be able to do things with him like go to the park and walk in areas where there are other people and dogs.

    One of a pet owner's biggest fears is losing control over their pet and possibly having them end up hit by a car or worse. Additional training can give you a nice little safety net when faced with those circumstances. Suppose your dog bolted out of the door ahead of you after a cat? When you do catch up to him, he is on the opposite side of a busy street. His first reaction may be to bound towards you. A simple gesture as small as a hand signal can tell him to stop and stay put until you can safely get to him and escort him back across the street.

    Aside from those two very practical reasons to train your dog, however, there is a third benefit that busy people sometimes overlook. Time spent training your dog is time the two of you will spend together. If you've ever built a model with your kid or fixed a computer or baked a cake with a friend, you know that accomplishing a goal with a loved one can be a valuable bonding experience. Dogs are not immune to this. If you spend just a few minutes each day training your dog, it will give both of you a sense of accomplishment and bring you closer together.

    Don't leave out the party tricks either! As soon as the basics are mastered, there is no reason to stop the learning process. Keep going - see how far you and your dog can go!

    Joseph Wilson provides research and excellent tips on a number of dog breeds at You can find a great source and collection of articles on dog behavior, health, and finding the right pet for you and your family.

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    Dog Training - 3 Tips to Stop Your Dog from Jumping on People

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    A sure sign of a well-behaved dog is when you enter someone's home and their pet does not jump on you in greeting. Not only is jumping on guests annoying, it can be dangerous. Large dogs can knock people down and are capable of seriously injuring small children or the elderly. Not to mention all the mud he gets on your clothes on rainy days!

    Jumping on people is also a sure signal that your dog thinks he's the leader of the pack. Watch dogs together and you'll see them exhibiting the same behavior. Allowing your dog to jump on people undermines all your training.

    These dogs have learned if they jump on people they get attention and often petted. Your job is to help them unlearn that with positive reinforcement. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

    1. Ignore your dog when you arrive and leave the house. Ditch the long goodbye and the long-lost dog owner greeting. Don't greet your pet for five minutes once you get home. This will help break the habit.

    2. Do you want to dance? If a week or so of not greeting your dog doesn't break the behavior, try this on your medium or large dog. When he jumps on you, firmly grip his paws while he's still on his hind legs. Hold them without squeezing until he starts to squirm, then firmly command, "Off!" Some trainers recommend stepping on your pet's back paws at the same time, but this could cause injury to your pet's delicate feet. Holding his front paws, sometimes for several minutes, will do the trick and won't be painful.

    3. Use the leash. If guests are coming over, keep your dog on a leash. When he jumps on the visitors, pop the leash to engage his training collar, command, "Off!" and lead him to the other side of the room. Praise him after you lead him away.
    Marilyn Burnham

    Author: 'Dog Owners Boot Camp'
    The How To Guide, Dog Training Secrets Professional Dog Trainers Don't Want You To Know!
    For More Information On Dog Training

    Marilyn Burnham was the owner operator of 4 successful dog grooming stores in British Columbia, Canada for more than a decade. To spend more time with her children Marilyn made the decision to sell her business in the mid 90's. Get a copy of her book: ‘Dog Owners Boot Camp’ The How To Guide, Dog Training Secrets Professional Dog Trainers Don’t Want You To Know!

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    Dog Behavior Training Don'ts - What Not to Do With Your Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

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    Dog Behavior Training

    Over the years I have seen my clients commit numerous dog training atrocities. Okay, I too have committed my fair share. So let me share the benefit of having seen some dog training mistakes that I have seen time and time again so that you can avoid them. Here are some dog training don’ts.

    • Don’t yell at your dog. Too many dog owners seem to feel that the degree in which a voice is raised is directly in proportion to the level of dog obedience. This is not true. In fact it is my experience that the opposite is true. The more you raise your voice at your dog the more you condition your dog to listen only when you are yelling. What happens then when you aren’t yelling? Better to never get in the habit.

    • Don’t forget what you have learned. Apply dog training principles across the board. Too many times a dog owner will learn a new technique for a dog training behavior and will apply it dutifully during ‘training time’. But after training time, during ‘TV time’ or ‘cooking in the kitchen time’ that same principle gets swept under the rug. What does your dog learn? He learns that he needs to be obedient only during ‘training time’ and every other time is open season.

    • Don’t go too fast. Good dog training is done at the speed of dog. It takes a dog much longer to form an association than it does a human. You have to understand that that your rate of teaching your dog should be slow and steady.

    • Don’t get frustrated. There will surely be times in your dog behavior training that you aren’t going to like how things are going. If this happens, stop the training session right away. Your frustration can cause you to want to force the issue and end up taking two steps backward with your progress.

    • Don’t forget to praise your dog. Dog behavior training should be fun for both you and your dog. Give your dog plenty of praise for performing correct behaviors. Dog behavior training by nature is oppressive; you are asking your dog to submit his will to yours. This can create stress. Praise is a great way to alleviate that stress. A stress-free dog learns quicker and has more fun.

    • Don’t be lazy. How many times have I been to a client’s home after a weeks absence only to hear, “After that first day we really didn’t work on his training too much.” Owning a dog is a big time responsibility with dog behavior training being one of those major commitments. If you are going to own a dog, invest time in training.

    • Finally, don’t be too hard on yourself. With dog behavior training you will fail and you will succeed. Focus more on your successes and less on your failures to be able to have repeated and lasting success.

    Author Ty Brown is a renowned dog trainer whose training adventures and clients have taken him to 18 states and 5 countries to teach others how to properly train their dogs. Go to for more dog training articles, advice, tips, and answers from a professional dog trainer.

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    Saturday, August 18, 2007

    Rather than Dog Blaming or Puppy Shaming, Try Dog Training!

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    How often do you find yourself saying "No!" or "Bad Dog!" to your dog or puppy? Let's face it, if it was working for you you wouldn't find yourself doing it more than once or twice. So how do we go from being a "Dog Blamer and Shamer" to a "Dog Trainer"? Read this article to find out how!

    You know what they say - "insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results". Logically, the solution is to try something different. How about we start saying "Yes!" instead of "No!"?


    "But how will my dog know when he's done something wrong? How will I stop him doing something wrong?" - the logical person may rightly ask.

    He won't know, and you won't need to stop him. Up until now he didn't know what you wanted him to do instead of chewing the furniture, jumping on your guests, and stealing your laundry.

    By continuing to say "No!" we limit the range of things we can say "Yes!" to.

    The 100 Yeses Game

    (Clicker Trainers may substitute a click for "Yes!")

    Count out 100 small and yummy treats. Play this game throughout the day, but not immediately after meals. Remember not to feed as much dinner, with 100 treats in your dog's tummy he won't need as much dinner.

    Have the treats in a plastic bag inside your pocket.

    Throughout the day, watch your dog or puppy and try to catch him or her doing something you like. Immediately mark this good behaviour by saying "Yes!" and giving one of the treats.

    It's that simple. By the end of the day (or sooner) you should be completely out of treats.

    What does this teach? Firstly, it teaches pup that certain behaviors will be rewarded. In your mind they are "good" behaviors, but pup doesn't need to know about good or bad, pup just wants to know which ones are more likely to earn him praise and reward.

    Secondly, it trains you to keep an eye out for good behavior and to praise and reward it. It's a win-win situation, have fun!

    For more information on how to train your dog using fun, relaxed techniques that really work visit

    Aidan Bindoff is Editor of Positive Petzine, a free ezine for people training their own dog and looking for the latest information to make dog training fun and rewarding for both dog and owner.

    As Featured On Best Ezines

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    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

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    Training your dog is a long and rewarding process. By teaching your dog to obey you, you're increasing the quality of life for both dog and master. As with every healthy relationship, both parties need to develop an understanding of who is the boss, what their expectations are, and so on.

    Imagine being able to take your dog out for a walk without being jerked around on a leash. Telling your dog to 'stay' and knowing that you won't have to keep your leash handy. Imagine letting your dog play with the kids and knowing that no one will need a band aid or disinfectant later.

    When it comes to dog training, psychology is simple. Good behavior needs to be rewarded, and bad behavior needs to be corrected. By rewarding good behavior, your dog will learn to enjoy obeying you, and to associate good feelings with good behavior. Similarly, your dog will learn to avoid bad behavior, and all the headaches that could cause you, and, indirectly, your dog.

    That's all there is to it.

    Rewards are pretty easy -either by heaping praise on the dog, giving a thorough petting, Giving a treat, or what-have-you. Care should be taken not to overdo it. Rewards are rewards, not bribes, and if you resort to using rewards as bribes, your dog may learn to never do your bidding, unless you have tasty treats or a tennis ball on hand.

    If you find that you don't like the idea of over-feeding your dog, you can use a technique called 'clicker training'. You'll need a child's toy that produces a loud clicking sound. The idea behind clicker training is that you should feed your dog some treats, and every time he gets a treat, give a loud 'click'. Your dog should eventually start associating the sound of the click with getting a treat, and from there, associate a click with good feelings.

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    Dog Training - How To Stop Your Dog From Jumping On Visitors

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

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    A common problem that many dog owners have is when their dog jumps up on guests when they come to your house. Sometimes your dog may jump at everyone regardless of whether they’re a guest or not. Sometimes a dog may only jump on when a guest arrives.

    The second situation is the one I’m going to address today.

    The first thing you should do, is put your dog on a leash when someone is going to be coming round. When the door bell rings or someone knocks, tell your dog to sit. If your dog is fully obedient with the sit command, then this may well be enough to stop your dog from jumping up on your guests.

    To make this technique more effective, you can ask your friend to bring a food reward (or give your friend a reward to bring round next time they come round). Then when your dog sits obediently on entry of the guest, your friend is to reward your dog with the treat.

    By doing this, your dog will learn that he is rewarded when he doesn’t jump up.

    You can also use these techniques if your dog jumps up at you when you come home. Bear in mind that it’s a dog’s natural reaction to want to jump up and lick their owners face to greet them when they come home.

    However, if you want to stop your dog from doing this, here is what you should do:

    The first thing to do is avoid eye contact with your dog and not greet him. When your dog has finished jumping up, command him to sit. If he obeys your command, then you can reward him with praise or a treat.

    If he doesn’t? Well you will need to work on training him to sit a little more, until he is more obedient in different situations.

    I hope these simple dog training techniques will help you to have a better behaved dog. It will take patience and persistence for these techniques to take hold, but I assure you that it will have all been worth it when you have a fully trained and obedient dog.

    Amy Howells is owner of the Dog Owner Blog, where she gives free information and lessons on how to train your dog, including dog potty training. If you would like more step by step techniques on every aspect of training your dog, be sure to visit her blog right now.

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    Thursday, August 16, 2007

    Free Dog Training Tip - Proven Tips To Train Your Dog

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    Every dog owner at one time or another will soon realize the need to use some sort of behavior modification techniques when training their prized pet. In your search for FREE DOG TRAINING TIP, you will find that there are many different dog training techniques that are out there today. But you might ask which is the best free dog training tip that will help me to train my dog.

    Another free dog training tip is to realize that the most important thing is to have positive dog training techniques whenever you start training your pet. Positive dog training means to never be involved in hitting, spanking, scolding, or punishing your dog in any manner whatsoever. It is very important that you realize that dogs do not do well with any form of negative dog training and that is a very important free dog training tip to take into consideration. Right off, you need to get in the habit of rewarding your dog any time that he does something he is supposed to do during dog training. This can be when it sits, stays, eliminates where he should, fetches, etc. This is a very important free dog training tip to take into consideration.

    Unfortunately, there are some instances when you do have to reprimand your dog. One of the biggest things that often confuses people with regards to dog training is when to reward your dog and when to reprimand him. You need to determine when to reprimand him or reward your dog during dog training. Remember to be patient because your dog is learning and trying his best to please you, which is another free dog training tip.

    Another very important free dog training tip is to make sure everyone in your home acts consistently whenever you are training your dog. It is very important that you make sure that everyone in the house knows what you are doing during the dog training, and how to provide supportive measures whenever needed.

    One of the things that you might need to take into consideration whenever you are trying to train your dog is how does he act whenever he is around you? Is your dog easily distracted whenever there are other dogs around? You will need to teach your dog to focus on you and what you are trying to teach him. Also how does your dog react whenever there are other people around? Does he allow another person to handle him? Again is he easily distracted around other people? Another free dog training tip is to start the dog training at quiet places that are familiar to your dog. Be sure that there are very few things and people around that would distract him. Then once you feel that your dog has learned to focus on what you are trying to teach him, then you can gradually move the training to places with more and more distractions so he will learn to obey your commands despite those distractions.

    Another free dog training tip is to use a leash when training your dog. Anytime you have trouble getting your dog to pay attention while learning the basics of dog training (sit, stay, fetch, come, etc.) you will soon find that teaching him to do this while on a leash is often helpful. If you do use a leash to train your dog, then the first thing you should do would be to teach him how to walk on a leash.

    Learning how to control your animal using dog leash training is an important respect lesson for both of you, and should be used regularly to achieve the highest results. Soon your will learn the importance of training your dog and learn how to utilize any free dog training tip that you learn.

    Is your dog disobedient? Does your dog embarrass you in public? And are you sick of excessive biting, barking, whining, etc? For another free dog training tip, sign up for our free dog training tip newsletter at

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    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

    >>  Click Here To Know 5 Simples Things You Must Do Now Right Now To Protect Your Dog From Disease

    After months of hard work and patience, I was making no progress in teaching our new dog the manners of a household pet. In fact, some days it seemed like she was regressing.

    I knew it wasn't a lack of love. She would lie in her bed and stare at me for hours at a time, and absolutely HAD to know where I was at any given time. But, every training session turned into a mammoth clash of wills.

    She knew all the commands and exactly what she was supposed to do, she just flat-out refused to do it. With every training session I could see her growing contempt for obedience and feel my growing frustration.

    Then, in a slap-yourself-in-the-forehead moment of clarity, I saw exactly what was happening!

    During our training sessions, she would only respond to me when I used a military command voice, and then only begrudgingly after she studied the determination in my eyes. Therefore, she was doing everything she possibly could to avoid looking at me! To combat this, I had to employ a trick that humans use with each other every day.

    Politeness aside, when you say, "Hey!" to someone, they instinctively turn to look at you and say, "What?" A trick like that with this dog would get her both to look at me and ready to comply.

    I abandoned the formal training sessions and began saying her name in the "Hey!" tone of voice whenever I saw her awake and not looking at me. Then, when she snapped her head around to look at me with a "what?" expression, I'd give her a command.

    It worked! It worked miraculously! "Come", "sit", "down" - all without the slightest resistance!

    Overnight the tensions of the training sessions and our frustrations with each other disappeared. For the first time, I was proud to show off my dog's manners in public.

    In fact, the true miracle of this technique became apparent at the dog park. Owners with undisciplined dogs who like to jump on humans - don't you just HATE that - would stare in amazement as their pooch would come off me in a perfect sit with a simple, "Hey! Sit!" and hand gesture over its head.

    The standard response from dog owners is an astounded, "How do you do that?" Of course I let them in on my secret, and now I've let you in on it too.

    Brock Lorber -- investor, aviation coach, author, and dog lover -- provides helpful tips for the care, feeding, and training of your dog.

    You can subscribe to his newsletter at his website,

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    Obedience Training and Your Pit Bull Terrier: Dog Training Techniques

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

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    It is important that anyone who is thinking about becoming the owner of a Pit Bull learn about the breed before making the final decision. Pit Bulls need owners that can provide them with lots of love and attention, and keep doing it forever. They need to be trained well in order for them to make a great pet. Pit Bulls have a lot of energy and can be very headstrong, but with the proper training learn to deal with this and become very loving, devoted pets to their owners. One thing that makes training Pit Bulls easier is that in general, they are a highly intelligent breed of dog, and tend to catch on quick.

    When training your Pit Bull, it is important to remember that they can be very stubborn and hard to deal with at times. You have to keep in mind that your Pit Bull has a mind of its own, and that it may not always behave as you would like him to. Owners have to be patient when this happens, and try very get annoyed with their pet. Training tends to go smoother when started at an early age, many recommend beginning when the puppy is around eight weeks old for best results. At any age, you will have better results if you make training fun, and keep a positive attitude toward your pet.

    You should make socialization a big part of your daily training routine. This helps the Pit Bull learn to control his aggression when around people and other dogs. If you can sign your Pit Bull up for training classes, he will also get socialization with other dogs while he is learning other things.

    Expect a battle for supremacy with your pit at around thirteen to sixteen weeks of age. He will start to see how far he can push you, and will really start pushing his limits to see how far he can go. This is the time that he may also begin to try to bite or nibble on you during play. It is very important that you assert that you are the owner during this time, so that he knows who is boss and learns to respect that.

    When owners devote time and effort into properly training their pits, in the end they will have very friendly dogs that love their family very much. Pit Bulls love to be around people and be the center of attention, and with the right owners are great pets. Just remember that when training you pit, it is necessary to be strong and stay consistent.

    To learn all about raising an American Pitbull Terrier and training Pitbulls, visit today.

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    Wednesday, August 15, 2007

    Dog Training Collars -- Proper Selection Leads To Training Success

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

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    The proper selection of a training collar can have a significant impact on the success of any dog training program. Most new dog trainers make the mistake of choosing a dog collar that does not allow for adequate control during the training sessions.

    During my nearly four years of working with dogs, I have seen dog collars in numerous sizes and shapes. From head leaders to pronged choke collars, the choices available to dog owners are endless. However, in my training experience, I have not seen a dog training collar as effective as the classic choke collar.

    The basic choke collar is an effective training tool that can be used on almost any size dog (for very small dogs, a nylon dog collar might be preferred). When used properly, the correction and response of the dog is almost immediate.

    The key to using a choke collar effectively is to keep the dog collar loose when the dog is exhibiting proper behavior. For example, if the dog is heeling without pulling ahead, the choke collar should remain loose. If the dog begins to pull ahead, a quick "pop" or tightening of the collar will teach the dog that unwanted behavior has occurred. As soon as the dog's behavior has corrected, the collar is once again loosened.

    By using the tightening & loosening technique, the dog quickly learns to associate good behavior with a loose collar. If the collar were to remain constantly tightened, the dog would only learn to fight against the choking feeling.

    Regardless of which collar type you choose, it is imperative that the dog collar fit properly and give you, the trainer, maximum control over the dog.

    For nearly four years, David Dunlap has been working & training dogs from puppyhood to more advanced levels. For more information on dog collars, visit

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    Dog Training - Training Dogs and Puppies Yourself Successfully

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

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    So you're trying to train your dog or puppy then. Having any success?

    Still barking incessantly? Chewing up your shoes? Soiling your carpets? Pretending they're not with you when you're out?

    So what exactly do you do? You can spend a lot of money asking a professional dog trainer to do the dirty work for you, but mostly this will be a waste of time and money. Why? Well your dog may well end up with the utmost respect for their new found trainer and act like a saint for them. But their trainer wasn't you! And therein lies the problem. Dogs by their nature are pack animals and follow their natural leader, the 'top dog' if you like. If you aren't seen as the natural 'leader of the pack' then your dog will quite happily assume that role and then you really are up against it.

    So you buy some books on the subject. Great! There are some fantastic books out there that will tell you everything you need to know about training your puppy or dog. So why then, when you have been following the advice and instructions so closely, does your dog continue to pretend you're talking mumbo jumbo?

    Well it's not enough to just read about training your dog. The reason a professional trainer will have success is not because they know more about dog training than you've just read in your amazing book, but because they know 'how' to apply it. They know how to act around dogs, the stance to take, gestures to use, when & how to use praise & especially when 'not' to use praise. They also know not only what to say, but how to say it. The intonation to use, the sounds to emphasise.

    So how do you learn how to do this yourself? Well, when you choose the training materials with which to train your dog, make sure they cover all your training needs not just with words, but with pictures (not illustrations, but photos) or even better with actual video footage. And especially make sure you can 'hear' exactly how to apply the training methods. If you can see exactly what you should be doing and hear exactly what you should be saying and how you should be saying it, your chances of training your dog successfully are infinitely improved!

    These days there are many options available for meeting your dog training requirements that enable you to achieve great results without paying out a fortune to professional trainers. There are of course videos and DVDs, but in more recent times the advent of multimedia eBooks on the internet are a fantastic way to learn about just about anything. Not only are they instantly accessible and generally very cheap, they achieve all of the aims described above. And unlike videos and DVDs, often the authors of these products are available to contact should you have further questions or require additional advice.

    Whichever method you choose, good luck and enjoy being 'top dog'!

    Best Wishes, Dave

    Dave Cocker is owner and publisher of , a site dedicated to reviewing and recommending top online and downloadable eProducts on a variety of subjects including training pets, aiming to find those products that offer great content and fantastic value and helping people to navigate through the minefield of sub-standard eProducts.

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    Cut Training Time in Half with Clicker Dog Training

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

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    Using a clicker to train your dog is relatively new in the dog obedience world. The clicker itself is a simple piece of equipment, nothing more than a small rectangular box with a metal button that clicks when pressed. Many trainers that integrate this training method in with more conventional obedience training have found that it can cut training time in half for some dogs.

    The idea behind clicker training is that it is a type of enforced training without the punishment aspect. Dogs learn through repetition and when they do the right thing and are rewarded for it they will continue with that behavior. Dogs also like to please their humans and if they do something that earns praise and a treat they will learn this behavior because it makes us happy. The converse is also true. If they do not behave or do as commanded they then get ignored or told no in a strict voice. A dog soon comes to realize that when this occurs no praise or treat will be given and they do not like that.

    Clicker dog training works on the principle that good behavior will be rewarded. For instance if you are training your dog to sit you give the command. When he sits you click your clicker and give him a treat. You repeat this process with each behavior you are teaching him to do. He will soon connect the clicking sound with a reward, whether it’s a treat or praise. The clicking sound acts as an event marker that instantly communicates approval of what he is doing. During the first sessions of clicker training it is best to stay close to the dog so that the click and reward or treat can be given almost simultaneously. This allows your dog to associate the two happenings quickly.

    As your dog becomes more used to this type of training you can begin to delay the reward portion of the training. This will allow you to start training your dog at a distance, giving you the ability to control your dog when he is off the leash. Again, you will still click at the moment a command is successfully done, but the click is now a signal that there will be a reward in the near future.

    The clicker should never be used as a punishment or with punishment as it will send the wrong message to your dog. While punishing your dog for bad behavior may work sometimes it can create other unwanted behaviors. Because dogs have little or no sense of time and they are usually punished after they have done something wrong they seldom understand why they are being punished. If you use the clicker at this time they will associate its use with being punished.

    The interesting thing about clicker dog training is that the use of a clicker to train is used on other animals such as horses, birds, and dolphins. If you want to speed up the process of training your dog consider the use of a clicker. It is becoming more popular and it does produce great training results.

    To learn more about clicker dog training and other training tips and tricks please visit the website

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    Leash Training Your Pit Bull Terrier: Dog Training Advice

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

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    As a loving and caring Pit Bull owner, you will undoubtedly spend a lot of your time in training your dog. You will probably do some crate training, obedience training, maybe even agility training. But, one of the most enjoyable things you can do for your Pit Bull is leash training. He may not think very highly of it at first, but once he has the hang of it, your outside time with him will be much more enjoyable for you both. Leash training is also an important step in training your Pit Bull for shows, if that is your ultimate goal.

    Most experts recommend that you begin leash training your Pit Bull when he is around six or seven weeks old. Usually at this age, he will have a better attention span, and will be up for walks with you.

    When you first start walking with your Pit Bull puppy, you may want to allow the puppy some freedom at first, so that he can explore his area and play. The training at this time will be teaching your Pit Bull puppy to stay with you during your walk, and come when you call him. By letting the puppy explore, and then calling his name, he will learn that you want him to come back to you. It is important to praise and reward your Pit Bull puppy when he does come when you call him. Some trainers will use treats to get the puppy to follow them at first. Due to his short attention span, you shouldn’t expect this to work for long. You should give the puppy a treat, and let him go play, then try again a little later. By using treats and rewards, and being patient, your Pit Bull puppy will catch on fairly quickly.

    When your Pit Bull puppy has mastered the walk without a leash, and coming to you when you call him, you can probably begin training him on a lead. Most veterinarians will recommend starting with a nylon collar before trying a choker collar. Most of the time, the choker collar isn’t needed, unless you have a very strong willed Pit Bull.

    Usually the best place to start leash training is your own backyard. The Pit Bull puppy is probably already very familiar with this area now, so he will be less focused on exploring, and more on training. You also don’t have to worry about other animals on the scene, as you would at a park or local walking track.

    Again, when you have the collar on and are ready to begin, bend down and offer a treat to get your Pit Bull puppy to come to you. After successfully doing this a few times, start to walk a little with the puppy on the leash. If your Pit Bull puppy follows you, praise him and give him a treat. In the event he doesn’t follow, which often is the case the first time around, start all over again. Once he starts to follow you without resistance, try walking a little bit further each time. Your Pit Bull puppy will soon learn to be lead, without him even noticing he is doing something he may not want to do.

    Continue working with your Pit Bull often, as any training should be ongoing. The more training and practice your Pit Bull gets, the more accustomed to the leash he will become.

    To learn all about American Pitbull Terriers and training a Pitbull, visit today.

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    Tuesday, August 14, 2007

    Dog Training - Start Training Your Puppy by Winning His Respect

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

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    The basis of training your puppy is winning his trust,respect, and confidence. Real training can't begin until your puppy has accepted you as his leader, respects you,and has confidence in you.

    A mistake many puppy owners make is confusing love and affection for respect and confidence. It is important to love your puppy. It is equally important for your puppy to respect you, have confidence in you, and see you as the pack leader. Dogs are naturally pack animals and every pack member looks to the pack leader for direction. Making yourself the pack leader is vital to the success of training any dog. If you don't, your dog will assume the role. If that happens, neither of you will be happy.

    Failure to gain the confidence and respect of your puppy can create a dog who is out of control, disobedient, and even dangerous. It is important to train your puppy correctly from the start since retraining a problem dog is possible but more difficult than training a puppy correctly the first time.

    It is critical for any new dog owner, whether working with a 12 week old puppy or a 12 year old dog, to get his respect. That does not mean using rough or dangerous handling methods, but it does mean letting him know that you are in control of the situation. Dogs need structure in their lives and they will not resent you for taking control. As a matter of fact, your dog will appreciate your taking the role of trainer and coach as you begin your training sessions.

    When you start working with your dog it is important to keep the training sessions short at first. This is particularly important when working with a young puppy. Puppies tend to have much shorter attention spans than older dogs so keeping the sessions short is fun and essential for proper training.

    Beginning training sessions should focus on the most basic commands. The heel command is one of the most basic as well as one of the easiest to teach. Start by putting the puppy in a properly fitted training collar. Be sure to follow the instructions for fitting and sizing the collar to insure that it works as intended. There are other articles in this series about proper training collars. You can also check with your pet store or breeder.

    Begin to walk and allow your dog to walk beside you. If he begins to pull, gently pull on the leash. This, in turn, will tighten the training collar and give your dog a gentle correction. If the gentle pressure is ineffective, it may be necessary to slowly increase the pressure. Always be careful not to over-correct your dog. Using too much pressure could frighten him and cause him to strain more. If the opposite problem occurs and the dog lags behind, you should gently encourage him until he is walking beside you.

    Most dogs figure out the heeling concept fairly rapidly and they soon realize that they should walk beside you, neither lagging behind nor pulling ahead. You should also pick up the pace and allow him to speed up as well. Finally, walking along, changing pace, and changing direction often will reinforce the lesson the he should always walk at your heel.

    From heeling, the next step is for him to halt when you stop walking. The halt works well as an adjunct to heel. As you are walking, stop and watch your dog. Many dogs immediately understand that they are expected to stop when their human does. Others may need the reminder of the leash and the training collar.

    After the halt has been mastered, encourage your dog to sit on halt. Once your dog has stopped, gently push on his hindquarters to encourage the sit. Usually after this walk, halt and sit procedure has been done a few times, he will begin to sit on his own each time he stops. Of course, it is important to provide lots of praise and maybe even a treat every time he does as he is expected.

    These three commands should be taught without voice. Get your dog used to your body language. We will cover halt and sit off leash in later articles. For now, get your dog to walk beside you, halt when you stop and sit immediately. You will be so proud of him and he will be proud of himself.

    Join me on the web and sign up for my newsletter at

    C Perkins is a dog lover who is allowed to live with her two dogs, Tillie and Pierrot, in the beautiful foothills of North Carolina. Sign up for the Dogs Rule newsletter at:

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    Dog Training - Training Tips For Easier Training Sessions

    Urgent Press Release For Dog Owners:

    Don't Let Your DOG Die Young Because Of Negligence

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    When you are training your dog there are a lot of things to take into consideration. It can be slightly overwhelming and you can easily get frustrated with it all. Below is a list of some tips that might help you to make your training sessions with your dog easier.

    I know when there is teaching of any kind its easy to lose track of the fun side but its important to maintain the fun factor when training a dog. You want the dog to have good feeling towards the times when you train it not to dread the time.

    When you are feeling frustrated and you are not happy it's a good idea to stop the training session until you are in a better mood. A good way of maintaining a good mood is to make the sessions short. Going for too long increases the chances of you getting frustrated and getting the dog distracted or confused. Try to keep the sessions under 20 minutes a couple of times a day. You can do that for about 4 times a week or so.

    Another good strategy is to increase the times you praise your dog in relation to corrections so that it knows when it is doing well. You reinforce the good points. Do not correct behavior in a nasty way do it in a firm but calm manner. Its better to teach by reinforcement than by harsh treatment. Of course its important to not tolerate bad behavior but do not correct this harshly just be firm that this is unacceptable behavior.

    When you notice that the dog is a bit overwhelmed its better to either stop the session for a bit and come back to it or to get the dog to do something it finds familiar so that it is on familiar ground. This will remove its confusions and when its stable again you can try something different.

    Its very important to be realistic with your expectations because most people can be a bit too demanding and this can cause pushy behavior which might confuse the dog. Go at a patient pace just think of how long it takes to teach a child and realize what you are asking of the dog. Be patient and consistent and results will follow.

    This are just some basic tips that will help you out in your training journey.

    For more tips and information Click Here!

    Wadzanai Wendy Nenzou is a dog lover and enjoys writing articles once in a while to do with dog training.

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